Historical Lessons for Operations in the Pacific
For example, how does General George Kenney’s approach in the South Pacific compare to what will be required in a future conflict with China?
- Benson, Maj, Jonathan, et al "Force Presentation for Multi-Domain Operations in the Indo-Pacific Region," ACSC Group Research Project, 2022, 17 pgs.
- Brown, Lt. Col. Edward, "'The Case for Taiwan': Lessons Learned from the Cuban Missile Crisis," SAASS Thesis, 2022, 120 pgs.
- Eno, Maj. Brian, "Unintended Strategy: Sequential Designs and Cumulative Outcomes in the Pacific War," SAASS thesis, 2020, 153 pgs.
- Francis, Maj. E. Taylor, "A House Built on Sand: Air Supremacy in US Air Force History, Theory and Doctrine," ACSC paper, subsequently published as an AU Press LeMay Paper, 2020, 47 pgs.
- Hedberg, Maj. Anders, "The Chindits: A Lesson in Combined Operations." ACSC elective paper (The British Imperial Experience), 2019, 16 pgs.
Huerta, Maj. Ahunuar, "Rail Logistics in the Korean War," ACSC elective paper, (Logistics), 2023, 13 pgs.
Losacker, Maj. Brandon T., "Combat Search and Rescue: Restoring Promise to a Sacred Assurance," ACSC paper, 2017.
- McKittrick, Lt. Col. Kevin, "'A Long and Costly Fight': How Historical Insight from Operation Causeway Can Still Deter Aggression Today," AWC Strategic Studies Paper (Taiwan Deterrence RTF), 2024, 17 pgs. Winner of the Lt. Gen. "Pete" Quesada US Army Writing Award
- McSorley, Lt. Col. Matthew, "Impact of Fore Design on Marine Corps Assault Support in the Age of Great Power Competition," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 26 pgs
- Monaco, Lt. Col. Jason, "Where Art Though, Pete and Opie? World War II Tactical Airpower Lessons for a New Era," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 38 pgs.
- Poole, Maj. John D., "Jungle Skippers: The 317th Troop Carrier Group in the Southwest Pacific and their Legacy," SAASS thesis, 2014, 125 pgs.
- Silva, Lt. Col. Sarah, "Balance of Power and the Utility of Concessions in Triangular Diplomacy," SAASS Thesis, 2022, 80 pgs.
- Smith, Maj. Michael D., "Dynamic Force Employment in the Indo-Pacific: Making a Case for Air Force Special Tactics," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 69 pgs.
- Stewart, Lt. Col. Michael F., "'Force Design 1930': The United States Marine Corps and the Doctrine of Organizational Survival," SAASS thesis, 2023, 83 pgs.