TOPIC SPONSOR: HAF/A5SM Strategic Assessments
Both the USAF (and U.S. Joint Force) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have ambitious modernization plans. The PLA has a very aggressive spiral development cycle, but little is known about the PLA’s process of turning capability into operational utility. Understanding how the PLA converts knowledge (technology) for use when introducing a new capability will be valuable in determining timelines for future capability and concept employment. While the USAF’s capability development to fielding timeline may lag behind, the United States benefits from a strong history of concept and doctrine development. Using unitary analysis or comparative analysis, examine either or both of the USAF/Joint Force and PLA’s capacity to absorb new capabilities and concepts into demonstrated operational utility, identifying recommendations for accelerating change and innovation at scale within the USAF and DoD.
- Gipper, Daniel P., "Innovate with Caution: Culture, (Mis)Calculations and (In)Capacity," SAASS Thesis, 2022, 150 pgs.
- Meyers, Maj. Stuart, "A Financial Manager's Role in Business Reform," GCPME 2020, 26 pgs.
- Moeller, Lt. Col. Christopher L., "Components for Successful Squadron Innovation," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 24 pgs.
- Ramirez, Maj. Juan, "The Innovation Journey: a Quest for Continued Survival," Innovators by Design RTF, 2020, 18 pgs.
- Rhylander, Lt. Col. Erik P., "Key Factors to Achieving Significant Military Innovation," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 25 pgs.
- Romero, Maj. Elizabeth, "Reimagining Innovation Championing in Air University," Innovation Research Task Force, 2020, 15 pgs.
- Rouse, John M. Jr., "Start-Up Tactics: Fostering Innovation and Agility in Air Force Squadrons," SAASS thesis, 2024, 85 pgs.
- Tedder, Captain Nathan L., "Research and Development Strategy: Next Generation Technology Defeat Mechanisms," SOS AUAR 2021, 7 pgs.