Challenges of Global Climate Change
TOPIC ORIGIN: 2022 National Defense Strategy
Changes in global climate is transforming the context in which the Department operates. What challenges does this present? How can the DoD adapt to the challenges it presents?
- Babcock, Maj. Christopher, "Flight Path to Zero-Fifty: Addressing the Air Force Greenhouse Gas Pollution Problem," GCPME thesis, 2024, 85 pgs.
- Bock, LCDR Scott W., "On the Homefront: Re-Thinking the Military's Role in Disaster Response," GCPME thesis, 2023, 58 pgs.
- Bostic, Major Andrew, "Indo-Pacific Basing: Leveraging Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief to Preserve and Generate Basing Opportunities," ACSC member of Indo-Pacific Basing RTF, 2022, 23 pgs.
- Carson, Lt. Col. Keith, "White Paper on Chinese Economic and Military Coercion," AWC elective paper, 2023, 10 pgs.
- Chetkowski, Maj. Michael, "Enriched Uranium: America's Green Energy Source," Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 2 pgs.
- Cowart, Lt. Commander Joshua J., "Arctic Homeland Defense 2023-2028: A National Security Imperative for the United States," GCPME thesis, 2023, 45 pgs.
- DeBlaey, Gretchen. "Are We Really Getting the Point Across on Climate Change," AFF 2020, 2 pgs.
Doherty, Lt. Col. Kevin, "Environmental Issues of US Basing," AWC elective paper (Dilemmas of Global Basing), 2018, 7 pgs.
- Dorsey-Spitz, Jenni, "Infrastructure Bill Provides Climate Resiliency for Department of the Air Force Installations," Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Evans, Robert, "Indo-Pacific Military Basing Accounting for Climate Change Effects," AWC 2022, 25. pgs.
- Golden, Lt. Col. David, "Economic Growth and Political Stability: The Quest for Power in India," AWC RSS paper, 2023, 10 pgs.
- Gumley, Maj. Nicholas W., "Sea-Level Rise: Impacts on United States Military Operations," GCPME thesis, 2022, 46 pgs.
- Hoettels, Lt. Col. Elizabeth Anne L., "Crystalizing Strategic Medical Success in the Arctic by Finding the Abominable Snowman," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2022, 28 pgs.
- Ince, Maj. David, "The Cold Reality of Transpolar Shipping: What Does an 'Ice-Free' Arctic Really Mean?" AF Fellows paper (Ted Stevens Arctic Center), 2024, 3 pgs.
- Johnson, Maj. Gavin H., "Fighting the Environment: Arctic Search and Rescue in a Changing Landscape," GCPME (ACSC) thesis, 2022, 45 pgs.
- Kelsey, Col. Aaron, "The National Guard's Role in Arctic Security," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2022, 33 pgs.
- Laye, Lt. Col. Darryl M., "Fresh Water in the United States: Is America's Next Crisis a Civil War?" AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 28 pgs.
- Lete, Maj. Cynthia, "Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Relief and Strategic Competition," ACSC elective paper, 2023, 9 pgs.
- Levy, Maj. Hila, "Ice, Ice, Maybe: The Value of an Antarctic Security Strategy," SAASS thesis, 2021, 176 pgs.
- Limani, Maj. Kevin M., "Climate Change and Military Logistics in the Pacific," ACSC elective (Logistics in the Military Force), 2022, 22 pgs.
- Melendez, LCDR Michael A., "Enemy on Island, Situation in Doubt: Climate Change's Implications to Wake Island's Strategic Importance," GCPME (ACSC), 2022, 40 pgs.
Nelson, Maj. Eric, "Arctic Diplomacy—It's Time to 'Normalize' The Process" Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Richardson, Lt. Col. Danele, "Tunisia's Water Insecurity: A Threat to US National Security," Regional Studies paper, AWC, 2024, 7 pgs.
- Sharma, Grp. Capt. Manish (Indian AF), "Sino-India Border Dispute: An Inherited Tangle," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2018, 31 pgs.
- Staricha, Maj. Adam, "Operation Allies Refuge's Effects: The Operational Planning and Execution Application Noncombat Evacuation Operations to the Indo-Pacific Region," ACSC elective paper (Strategic Competition and Humanitarian Assistance), 2023, 9 pgs.
- Tucker, Lt. Col. Paul A., "Give 'Grey Tail Diplomacy' a Chance," AF Fellows paper (Fletcher School, Tufts University), 2024, 2 pgs.
- Ward, Lt. Col. Amanda, "Defense Support to Civil Authorities in Virgin Islands/Puerto Rico: Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Response by Another Name," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 27 pgs.
- Williams, Lt. Col. Jared, "Climate Change in India: A Security Challenge with Political and Economic Opportunities," AWC RSS Paper, 2023, 12 pgs.