Rising sea levels will, over the next decades, be the source of a variety of economic and social issues across the Indo-Pacific Command, which may drive conflicts in the region. These issues include natural disasters and extreme weather events that damage agriculture and trade, affect refugee flows, create challenges to port infrastructure, and impact changes to navigable waterways and sea routes. How can SOF better understand and adapt to this potentially destabilizing environment, and how can they best support allied and partner nations facing these issues?
- Edmonston, Col. Michael, "The Impact of International and Domestic Factors on the Military Outcomes of National Unification: A Study of Four Historical Cases with Lessons for Korean Unification," SAASS thesis, 2014, 200 pgs.
- Ford, Justin G., "The Big '3' Shapeshifters: Examining a Russia-China-North Korea Cooperation," GCPME paper, 2024, 40 pgs.
- Morgan, Col. David, "Requiem for Another Army? Military Considerations after German Re-Unification and Prospects for Korea," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2019, 28 pgs.
- Phillips, David P., "Nuclear Redeployment: A Roadmap for Returning Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons to the Korean Peninsula," ACSC SANDS paper, 2024, 26 pgs.
- Rivera, Lt. Col. Delbert, "China's Influence in Samoa," AWC paper, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Saenz, Lt. Col. Rene, "The United States Forces Korea (USFK) Force Posture Deployment Changes," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 28 pgs.
- Theriault, LCDR Luke "John Doe", "Moving the Fulcrum: Applying Lessons from Russia-Ukraine War on Asymmetric Naval Warfare to a Potential Defense of Taiwan against a Chinese Invasion," ACSC paper (PACAF RTF), 2024, 24 pgs.