Operations in this AOR often face challenges with economy-of-force missions across a large continent. How can SOF best work with other USG agencies, as well as allies and partners, to fulfill their missions? In what ways can SOF help extend legitimate government control into areas where governance is contested? How can SOF maintain a U.S. presence across Africa, especially in countries where adversaries seek to gain power and influence? What is SOF’s role in resistance and resilience in Africa, and what challenges specific to the continent does it face? How can SOF best respond to climatological changes that drive economic, social, demographic, and cultural crises?
- Adamson, Maj. Scott, D., "Congress and the War Powers: A Review of Post 9/11 Military Action in Africa," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 23 pgs.
- Allen, Maj. David R., "Countering China's Rare Earth Resource Grab in Africa," GCPME paper, 2020, 50 pgs.
- Poindexter, Col. Eugene, "US Military Leadership and Support of AMISOM: Are We Successful?" AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2019, 29 pgs.
- Rajosefa, Maj. Laura, "The Future of Strategic Competition in the Sahel Region: Placing Partnership First," ACSC elective paper, 2022, 51 pgs.
- Sarmiento, Lt. Col. Vito Minlo (Philippine AF), "Source of All Evil: Nigeria's Fight against Corruption in the Country," AWC paper, 2020, 13 pgs.
- Taylor, LtCol Casey L., "Rwandan Vulnerability: The State's Failed Attempt to Eliminate Ethnicity," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2020, 26 pgs.
- Thiam, Lt. Col. Babacar (Senegalese AF), "How to Improve Security Assistance for the Sahelian Countries Using Lessons Learned from Previous U.S. SOF Engagements in the Region, Case Study Mali," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2017, 40 pgs.
- Umar, Grp. Captain Mohammed Bello (Nigerian Air Force), "Recalibrating International Peace and Security Efforts in the Sahel," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2022, 42 pgs.