Office of Sponsored Programs


SOF Educational Foci

  • Published
  • By JSOU

Formal education programs for SOF practitioners are available at several different military educational institutions. There are service-specific schools as well as joint educational opportunities. Is current education and training adequate to prepare for strategic competition? Is the content, type, and timing of education appropriate to meet the requirements of SOF? What does ‘SOF peculiar education’ encompass? Should there be a SOF intake course before component training? What are the critical skills for a joint SOF officer? How do the educational touchpoints for SOF officers and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) support or affect their careers? How can the SOE best develop and nurture creative thinkers within a hierarchical/rules-based organization? How do we educate SOF professionals about evolving national strategies, policies, and mandates and the impacts these changes have on SOF operations?

JSOU is unique among military educational institutions, as it is the only one that reports directly to USSOCOM. Where should JSOU’s focus be? Should JSOU be educating SOF practitioners and SOE personnel, nurturing critical and creative thinking, or developing SOF advocates? Should JSOU become a service-like school?