Office of Sponsored Programs


SOF Cognition

  • Published
  • By JSOU

Cognition is “the states and processes involved in knowing, which in their completeness include perception and judgment. Cognition includes all conscious and unconscious processes by which knowledge is accumulated, such as perceiving, recognizing, conceiving, and reasoning.” How can the SOE and SOF identify and address aspects of cognition that affect both their personnel and their organization? 

At the individual level, how can we measure and build SOF resilience? Can we better understand the mental processes that lead to posttraumatic stress and suicidality as well as post-traumatic growth? Might research into cognition provide insights for POTFF programs? At the organizational level, how do we support cognitive decisionmaking on teams and across the SOE? What role does cognition play in terms of the assessment of risk? How can the SOE work to encourage and incorporate divergent and creative thinking within SOF? What might the benefits be of incorporating creative problemsolving? What are the risks of such encouragement, and how can those risks be mitigated?