Defense Industrial and Innovation Base
The ability of U.S. companies and inventors to deliver innovation is one of America's greatest comparative advantages. However, DoD faces challenges in adopting that innovation to deliver path-breaking capabilities on time and within budget. Key questions include: What opportunities are there to leverage commercially developed technologies to support Joint Force needs at lower costs and/or with greater speed? What opportunities are there to leverage allies and partners' requirements and private-sector capacity to accelerate the delivery and lower the cost of mutually beneficial capabilities? What are the greatest barriers to lowering costs and speeding development and delivery of future capabilities? ARC submissions should describe changes DoD can make to either incentivize the private sector to deliver at acceptable cost, or to shift our behavior to better leverage industry's preferred models (provided they can support the warfighter's needs).
- Rhylander, Lt. Col. Erik P., "Key Factors to Achieving Significant Military Innovation," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2020, 25 pgs.
- Rouse, John M. Jr., "Start-Up Tactics: Fostering Innovation and Agility in Air Force Squadrons," SAASS thesis, 2024, 85 pgs.
- Shaw, David R., "Additive Manufacturing in Veterans Affairs," AWC Strategic Studies paper, 2018, 27 pgs.