Office of Sponsored Programs


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Research Articles

  • Learning Technology to Aid Information Warfare Training

    How can we leverage learning technologies such as game-based learning, AI tutors, hypermedia, etc. to train IW forces most effectively on the roles, assets, and capabilities needed to achieve full spectrum IW effects? (616 OC) 

  • Reflections in the Information Environment

    How do we accurately and meaningfully measure Effectiveness and Performance (MOEs and MOPs) in the Information Environment? How can we best measure the 'influence' of Information Warfare on an adversary actor? (616 OC) 

  • Implementing AI & ML for cyber-enabled information operations

    What AI-enabled suite of tools could enable the Information Warfare NAF to increase the pace and quality of Information Operations? What are the critical policy and technical limitations to harnessing AI and ML tools for the modernization of U.S. cyber-enabled information operations and what

  • Efficient Fine Tuning of Large Language Models

    What are the most robust ways to incorporate new data sets into a large language model that do not truncate the breadth of data available while simultaneously allowing for complex answers and minimizing hallucinations? (16 AF/A5)

  • Impact on Deterrence by Emerging Technology

    What impact would the emergence and global diffusion of technologies with the potential dual-military ability to deliver strategic effects (e.g., biotechnology) have on the United States deterrence posture? (AF/A10)