Office of Sponsored Programs


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Research Articles

  • Deterrence in Post-Missile Age

    In a hypothetical scenario that Sentinel would be the country's last ICBM, what would US strategic deterrence look like in a post-ICBM age? (20 AF)

  • Next-Generation Missile Operators

    Given the potential changes in the future strategic environment, what impact would this have on the development of missileers? Should current developmental programs remain the same for Sentinel operators? (20 AF)

  • No First Use Policy

     What impact would a US policy of "No First Use" have on our allies and our extended deterrence commitments?  Would such a policy cause a change in force structure? (8 AF)

  • Road-Mobile ICBM system

    Does the US need to develop a road-mobile ICBM system as part of its nuclear arsenal? (8 AF)

  • Decision Timelines

    With the advent of modern strategic weapons, does current planning and decision timelines still hold true, or do the US Strategic Forces need to rethink, and adapt to the newest strategic threats? (8 AF)