Office of Sponsored Programs


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Research Articles

  • Strategic Leadership

    What role do strategic leaders play in effectively managing changes in the character of war? How do leadership practices need to adapt to the changing character of war? (HAF A5SM)

  • Role of Military Education in Adapting to Change

    How does Professional Military Education (PME) handle changes in the character of warfare? What are the current USAF educational strategies? How can these programs evolve to prepare for future emerging challenges?  (HAF A5SM)

  • Continuity in Warfare

    What are the valuable insights from the timeless principles of warfare? How do they continue to inform contemporary practices? (HAF A5SM)

  • Future Battle Networks

    Analyze potential developments in battle networks as integrated systems of sensors, analytics, and strike.  (HAF A5SM)

  • Historical Battle Networks

    Analyze battle networks as integrated systems of sensors, analytics, and strike, including their evolution, effectiveness in previous conflicts. (HAF A5SM)

  • US support to Peacekeeping Operations

    Should the US contribute logistical enablers like air mobility (fixed wing and rotary wing), engineering, line and short-haul motor transportation, medical, and signals communication to support United Nations Peacekeeping Operations? (SOUTHCOM)