Office of Sponsored Programs


Article Search

Research Articles

  • Russia's Cyber TTPs

    What are Russia's security services cyber tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)? What are the trends in Russian cyber actor TTPs? (US Cyber Command)

  • China's TTPs for cyber incidents

    What are CCP/PLA tactics, techniques, procedures, and standard operating procedures for military and civilian government responses to cyber incidents? How do CCP/PLA cyber teams cooperate with each other? (US Cyber Command) 

  • China's critical cyber vulnerabilities

    What are the critical cyber vulnerabilities and weaknesses of the CCP/PLA? What are critical weaknesses and vulnerabilities in Chinese military networks? (US Cyber Command)

  • Chinese Propaganda

    What is the Communist Party / Peoples' Liberation Army (CCP/PLA's) propaganda apparatus structure, strategy, and capabilities? (US Cyber Command)

  • Foreign Adversary Threats to Election Security

    What are the strategic and operational goals and desired end states that key foreign adversaries seek to realize through election influence and/or interference?   (US Cyber Command)

  • Challenges of Global Climate Change

    Changes in global climate is transforming the context in which the Department operates. What challenges does this present? How can the DoD adapt to the challenges it presents? (2022 National Defense Strategy)