Office of Sponsored Programs


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Research Articles

  • Implementation and Absorption Capacity for New Capabilities and Concepts

    Using unitary analysis or comparative analysis, examine either or both of the USAF/Joint Force and PLA’s capacity to absorb new capabilities and concepts into demonstrated operational utility, identifying recommendations for accelerating change and innovation at scale within the USAF and

  • Cost Imposition in Strategic Competition

    What role, if any, did USAF programs, postures, or concepts play in the changes to the PRC’s Strategic Guideline (zhanlue fangzhen)? (HAF/A5SM Strategic Assessments)

  • Industrial Preparedness for Competition

    How might the United States seek to transform a relatively consolidated defense industry to meet new military challenges that are emerging under conditions very different from the Cold War and the Global War on Terror?(HAF/A5SM Strategic Assessments)

  • Historical Review of Successful USAF Military Transformations

    When has the USAF successfully executed a military transformation in response to significant strategic shifts or revolutions in military affairs? What lessons do past examples provide that could assist USAF leadership today? (HAF/A5SM Strategic Assessments)

  • Future of Air Mobility

    The future of Air Mobility with respect to Bypass Theory and the evolution of the Critical Path for Air Mobility. (AMC/CC)

  • Medical Return to Duty in Conflict

    In peer conflict with large-scale combat operations, how does the medical service shift to maintaining patients in the AOR and close to the front lines for assessment and treatment in order to expedite an Airman's return to duty? (Surgeon General)

  • Crowdsourcing

    How can the Air Force more effectively crowdsource solutions to capability and capacity gaps across the industrial-military complex while balancing security concerns? (PACAF/A8X)