Office of Sponsored Programs


Article Search

Research Articles

  • Data Convergence/Information Warfare

    Can Army notions of data convergence in the tactical realm be extrapolated and applied in the information warfare environment to achieve automation of data sharing across functions and domains? (16 AF)

  • Planning for the unexpected

    How might we more effectively plan for unexpected, or “black swan” events, that might negatively affect critical military operations? (480 ISRW)

  • Data Convergence/Analytics

    How can data tools drive analytical collaboration at the tactical level, and create white space for decision makers to maintain a decision advantage across the conflict continuum? (480 ISRW)

  • AFCENT MICAP Velocity

    As transportation priority and supply priority are not always the same for MICAPs, is there a possibility to connect the two into one overall priority? (87 LRS)

  • COVID Impacts on Training

    What are the implications of delayed continuing Training / Maintaining Readiness due to COVID? How can the USAF continue classified training in the COVID environment? (423 MTS)

  • Historical Studies for Space

    Analyze historical examples of space operations for potential use to contemporary operations.  (45 SW/MU & SPOC/2SWS/DOC)

  • Missions for the USSF

    What roles or responsibilities should the USSF have in asteroid detection and defense? (SPOC, 3 SES/MAF)