Russia Research Task Force

Russia Research Article Search

Russia Research Task Force Articles

  • Russia’s Concept of Escalation Management

    LCDR Ryan A. Fisher:The Russian Federation’s concept of escalation management during the current securitysituation in Ukraine can be roughly divided into periods of demonstration, adequate damageinfliction, and retaliation.1 In November 2021, satellite imagery showcased

  • Vladimir Putin: How the West Was Duped

    Major Melissa Jamison: Vladimir Putin is undoubtedly described in the most gratuitous terms today, some complimentary and most scathing. This spectrum points to the ironic success of Putin's foreign policy as it has evolved from the day Yeltsin stepped down, opening the floodgate for his

  • Russian Counterspace Defense Initiative

    Maj David “Cookie” Anderson: Russia’s counterspace weapon initiatives provide a comparative advantage for conflicts with the West near Russian territory. Over the past several years, Russia has developed an arsenal of kinetic and non-kinetic counterspace weapons capable of

  • The Russia Research Task Force

    Objectives:  Focus Air and Space professionals on winning today, while preparing for tomorrow.  The Russia Research Task Force shall pursue research which examines the Great Power Competition and future National Security Strategy as it relates to Russia's economy, environment, and technology sector,