For a guide to Maxwell AFB and the River Region please visit our resources below.
Maxwell AFB location:
From the Montgomery Airport To Maxwell AFB
Take a right on to Highway 80 and follow the signs to I-65 N Downtown. Take I-65 N Downtown exit. Take the Herron Street exit 172 and remain in the far left lane to continue straight, and turn left at 3rd light onto Maxwell Blvd. Maxwell Blvd. Gate is approximately 1 mile straight ahead then veer right.
Interstates 85 and 65 leading to the base have signage clearly marked for Maxwell AFB.
Driving from the East
If you are driving to Montgomery from the East, take I-85 south; exit at the Day Street exit (exit 171). This leads directly to the front gate at Maxwell, 2-3 miles located on the right. Request directions to the University Inn (billeting) from the Security Forces and check in at billeting or follow the directions that your sponsor has given you as what to do upon arrival.
Driving from the North
Traveling from the north, take I-65 South into Montgomery, take exit 172 for Clay Street and remain in the far left lane. Use the left lane to turn left onto Herron Street, 374 feet. Once over the bridge immediately turn left onto Holt Street. At the second light turn left onto Maxwell Blvd. The front gate is approximately 1 mile on the right with signage.
Driving from the South
Driving from the South, take I-65 North, take exit 172 for Herron Street. Remain in the left lane to continue straight off the exit and turn left at the 3rd light onto Maxwell Blvd. and Maxwell Blvd. Gate is approximately 1 mile on right with signage.
Maxwell-Gunter Annex is located in the northeast corner of the city and can be accessed by the Interstate highway system. If traveling from I-65 South or North take the Northern Blvd Exit 173. Go approximately 0.9 miles and turn right on to AL-21 S/Congressman Dickenson Hwy, following the signs for Alabama National Guard Headquarters. After turning right, the Gunter Annex is immediately on the left.
Community Engagement:
Air University and Squadron Officer School have a long history of supporting and engaging with the local community and city of Montgomery. During the duration of Squadron Officer School, many flights and students typically volunteer at the local animal shelter, homeless shelter, help with beautification efforts, and assist in mentoring and developing members of the surrounding area. We also host a blood drive for the American Red Cross and the Armed Services Blood Program every class. Squadron Officer School is proud to call Montgomery home and works to keep our community relations strong!