Current Class

Class 25C

3 Mar 25 - 

4 Apr 25

Upcoming Class: 

Class 25D

21 Apr 25 -

22 May 25

Attention students: Continue to check here for updates regarding 25A and beyond.  SOS is 100% in-residence. If you are an upcoming student please review the SOS Reporting Guide below for vital and pertinent information as well as the Commandant's Welcome Letter.

      25C Reporting Guide     25C Commandant's Welcome Letter     25C Student Services Welcome

      25D Reporting Guide     25D Commandant's Welcome Letter     25D Student Services Welcome


SOS Course Dates:

Class Course Start Date (CSD) Graduate Deadline for Waivers and  Student Updates (Due 1200 CST) Observed Holidays
FY Class of 25
25A 6 Nov 24 13 Dec 24 16 Oct 24 11 Nov 25, 28-29 Nov 24
25B 13 Jan 25 14 Feb 25 23 Dec 24 20 Jan 25
25C 3 Mar 25 4 Apr 25 10 Feb 25 None
25D 21 Apr 25 22 May 25 31 Mar 25 None
25E 9 Jun 25 17 Jul 25 19 May 25 19-20 Jun 25

4 Jul 25, 7 Jul 25

25F 31 Jul 25 5 Sep 25 10 Jul 25 29 Aug 25, 1 Sep 25
25G 22 Sep 25 23 Oct 25 1 Sep 25 13 Oct 25
FY Class of 26
26A 12 Nov 25 18 Dec 25 22 Oct 25 27-28 Nov 25

The SOS Resident Program produces leaders who are able to:

Thinking:  Employ creative and critical thinking through problem-solving and deliberate decision-making. 

Warfighting:  Explain how Department of the Air Force (DAF) capabilities support national security objectives.

Leading: Apply leadership theories and principles as members of the profession of arms. 

Communicating:  Demonstrate effective communication skills across diverse audiences.


Creative and critical thinking are vital for effective problem-solving on individual matters as well as larger Air Force level issues. This core topic guides  learners through problems-solving models to be able to make the best decision possible with the information available.  It prepares students to feel comfortable making decision as leaders where there may be second and third order effects and to understand what biases they may have as individuals.  Students will reflect on theoretical problems and review experiential activities to ensure skills learned are applied in pressure-filled situations.


Primary-level emphasis is placed on the military's application as a national instrument of power.  Officers should understand their service's roles, missions, distinctive capabilities, core competencies, and structure both in the context of history and the joint operations that they may be called on to support.  Officers should also have a working knowledge of the capabilities of sister services to better support the joint warfighting team.


The primary leadership team for the Air Force is the fight; therefore, the focus of the Leadership Studies at the primary level of PME is the flight level.  Emphasis on the tactical level provides tools officers need to build and lead small teams and serve as dynamic followers.  The focus at the primary level is on the dynamics of the interaction between individual leadership skills and group interaction in building successful teams.  Instruction is based on theories and principles that officers can use to improve leadership skills, adjust leadership styles to the situation, accomplish assigned tasks, and employ followers' abilities effectively.  There are experiential opportunities for officers to apply the leadership skills and techniques they have learned.

     At SOS, officers build upon their understanding of moral and ethical development by applying key concepts of accountability and professionalism to the challenges and opportunities inherent in leadership.  Officers will analyze case studies to grasp the unique but vital relationship that binds the US military in obedience to its civilian leadership and in defense of the civilian public.  They will also integrate personal and professional values into a warrior ethos consistent with the highest standards of conduct expected of military officers.


Communication studies amplify instruction received at the pre-commissioning and basic levels and provide opportunities to apply the principles of effective communication and feedback.  Special attention is given to listening, speaking, writing, and interpersonal communication skills instrumental in team building.  Interpersonal communications emphasize maximizing the potential of the individual as a part of a team.  Officers learn to create and deliver organized, well-reasoned, and well-supported arguments to diverse audiences.


With the establishment of the US Space Force, SOS has developed the "Spacepower Education and Advanced Readiness (SPEAR)" track, a space-specific academic track managed by the Space Gray Rhinos as part of the in-residence SOS curriculum.  Space Force Guardians and selected Active Duty and Total Force Airmen will focus on integrating spacepower disciplines, conducting space operations, and exploring how spacepower supports the instruments of power.  Students in the SPEAR track will complete a Space Force-focused capstone project tackling the focus areas outlined in the CSO Planning Guidance.

SOS has a robust elective program that is a required part of your SOS experience. There are two kinds of electives.  One is the standard elective which can be a single period or a series of three periods. The other types are the competitively selected Think Tank (TT) and Air University Advanced Research (AUAR) electives.

See below for descriptions of Think Tank, AUAR, and selected other electives. 


Click on the Think Tank logo for additional information and the current topic.

This satisfies the elective requirement.

Every five weeks, SOS Think Tank impacts the Air Force with feasible, innovative hard-hitting solutions which are forged through teamwork and creativity. Each team of CGOs has full autonomy to research their problem sets. The teams gain better understanding by performing interviews with local units, base partners, co-workers, DoD experts, and other government agencies. This crucial step provides insight from a diverse set of mission partners and people. Students literally put themselves in the customers' shoes to design a solution. From there, students work through design workshops to craft creative solutions which are then pitched at a final out brief with AF senior leaders.

Past challenges have been designing solutions for AF Recruiting Agency, 1st AF and Homeland Defense, Great Power Competition, and Artic Regional security to name just few.

Fill out the application to apply.  The application process will be made available Day 1.

Click below to learn more about Think Tank.

Think Tank Promo


Click on the Air University Advanced Research (AUAR) logo for additional information and the current topics. 

This satisfies the elective requirement.

Competitively selected SOS students in the Air University Advanced Research program (AUAR) work alongside senior mentors and subject matter experts from across AU and beyond. Over the past years, hundreds of Total Force student researchers delivered concrete solutions directly to strategic sponsors to make real, tangible change in our shared Air Force community.

Fill out the application to apply.  The application process will be made available Day 1.

Click below to learn more about AUAR and the research opportunities we offer.  

Research Elective


There are three elective blocks during each SOS course. Students are able to sign up for different topics each elective and choose from three electives or a series that continues through all three elective blocks.  These topics vary from a wide array of options. SOS, AU faculty, and distinguished guests offer a dynamic array of topics from Great Power Competition, military strategy, artificial intelligence, and introversion in leadership. 

For information on the current class electives refer to the Canvas Home Page and select electives.

Please note if you are attending a classified elective, you need to clear the background check to be eligible. 



Please refer to ETP Checklist and ETP AFFMS Example Slide.

BLUF: Deadline for Exception to Policy (ETP) packages are due by 1200 CST and the waiver deadline dates for SOS Classes are on the SOS Student Experience Page under "Dates and Deadlines Info" tab. 

IAW the SOS Exception to Policy Checklist, Exception to Policy (ETP) packages shall be submitted to SOS A3 /5 Org Mailbox,  Refer to the "Dates and Deadlines Info" tab for waiver deadline dates; all packages must be submitted by 1200 CST on the applicable date.  Any packages submitted after this deadline but will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis but may be rejected.

Direct all ETP questions to SOS Student Services at DSN 312-493-3231 or email at

Students attending SOS need to understand that compliance with the below eligibility requirements is mandatory and is the primary responsibility of the member.  Training managers should assist in the process, but each student must ensure that they have followed all the reporting instructions and that they have an approved Exception to Policy (ETP) as necessary.  

Training Managers should review current SOS Enrollment Policy and current SOS Reporting Guide.  Timelines under the policy are mandatory.  When an ETP is granted, the member will receive an e-mail confirmation that they have approval to proceed to SOS.  The member should not proceed without this confirmation.  Anyone who arrives without being approved will be sent back at the unit's expense and their commander will be notified of the failure to follow proper procedures. 

  • ​Military: must be a Captain and CANNOT pin on Major while attending SOS. 

  • Students who pin on Major while at SOS will be sent home.

  • Captains must have at least 4 but no more than 7 years total active federal commissioned service at class start. Note: ANG, AFR, Line of the Air Force – Judge Advocate General (LAF-J), Chaplain Corps, Medical Services Corps, Biomedical Science Corps, Nurse Corps as well as Medical Corps and Dental Corps Captains are excluded from the 4-year minimum.

  • Civilians: must be GS-9 through GS-12.

  • See DAFI 36-2686 for more info.

Unit Commanders must ensure their member is physically fit enough to attend and complete SOS.

-     USAF (AD, ANG, & AFRC) students must have a current and passing Physical Fitness Assessments through the graduation date.

-     For USSF students, unit commanders must ensure their members' physical fitness is commensurate with their Air Force counterparts.  USSF Students enrolled into the monitoring program MUST come with their wearable device OR a printed copy of a current and passing Physical Fitness Assessment.

-     Civilian students are required to complete and pass all physical components of the USAF physical components of the Physical Fitness Assessment, as outlined in DAFMAN 36-2905, within 30 days of their class start date.

ALL (USAF, USSF, Civilian, & Int'l Officer) students are expected to complete a weekly 5K run, a 10K at the end of the course, and other strenuous activities including climbing, lifting, and hoisting one's body weight, in the central Alabama weather conditions.

  • We understand that due to COVID most students haven’t been able to PT test for the last two years. If that’s the case, bring your last PT test with no exemptions even if it isn’t the most recent PT test. 
  • You MUST have a current/passing PT Test WITHOUT EXEMPTIONS on file in Myfitness that lasts through your graduation date.
  • If you have one or more EXEMPTIONS on your Myfitness printout, you must retest with NO EXEMPTIONS prior to attending SOS or get an approved Exception to Policy (ETP) to attend SOS, even if the profile that led to the exemption expired.
  • You will be REQUIRED to provide a hardcopy printout from Myfitness showing your current score and expiration date on Day 1.
  • Additionally, if you are on a medical profile, even if it will expire during the class, you cannot attend SOS without an approved ETP.

Exceptions are further clarified in the ETP AFFMS Example Slide.

****Expiration Fitness Assessment Due to Deployment of 90+ days**** Students with an expired PT Test who will attend SOS within 42 days after returning from a deployment of over 90 days MUST request an ETP waiver and receive written approval to use the expired score. 


***Completed Waivers Form MUST be submitted to SOS Student Services NO LATER THAN 1200 CST on the applicable deadline dates (see the "Dates and Welcome Info" tab for class start dates/ETP due dates).

***  Any submission received after the cutoff date will be disapproved.

***All ETP Waivers MUST Be Signed By Your Home Station Wing Commander (or equivalent)***
    ETP are required for PT test exemptions, profiles, and waivers.   See chart below:


Current PT test has exemptions

Yes, unless the exemptions are due to pregnancy or 12-month post-partum deferment period. 

Expired PT test due to Deployment

Yes, if attending SOS within 42 days after returning from a deployment over 90 day must submit an ETP.

Medical Profile for physical activity

Yes. If your profile also restricts TDYs, then we will also need either an MFR from your PCM or an AF Form 422 allowing you to attend SOS.

Medical Profile for Pregnancy

No. However, SOS will need notification along with your AF Form 469. If your profile restricts TDYs, then we will also need either an MFR from your PCM or an AF Form 422 allowing you to attend SOS.

Please email

- Regular OB/GYN care or appointments are not available through Maxwell clinic.
- Discuss with your doctors about attending the course without OB care.
- After Day 1, plan a time to speak with training health at the clinic to discuss SOS event participation.
- Some events pose a higher risk due to pregnancy.

Medical Profile for post-partum

No. However, SOS will need notification along with your AF Form 469. If your profile restricts TDYs, then we will also need either an MFR from your PCM or an AF Form 422 allowing you to attend SOS.

Please email

Medical Profile with mobility restrictions

No, not required if your profile is only for mobility restrictions and you are able to and not restricted from running, doing push-ups, and doing sit-ups.

However, if your profile restricts TDYs, then we will also need either an MFR from your PCM or an AF Form 422 allowing you to attend SOS.

Total Active Federal Service Commissioned Date


Other Issues

If in doubt, email
- Describe your situation and attach available documentation; AF-469, AFMS Fit Report


  • If you are on ANY medical waivers that limit physical activity, you must submit an ETP.
  • Students attending SOS with exemption on ANY component of their current PT Test, MUST request an ETP waiver (Fitness Waiver) and receive written approval.
  • ETP requests for students with PT exemptions that will limit their full participation at SOS are typically denied if the student will have additional opportunities to attend SOS after the issue is resolved.
  • Pregnant Students:
    • Maxwell AFB 42 MDG does not have the capability to provide routine OB/GYN care.
    • If you are cleared for the class, you MUST provide a 469 clearing you to attend SOS without routine OB/GYN care.
    • If you will require OB/GYN care while attending the course, you MUST coordinate from your home station PCM or OB/GYN to determine whether or not you will require routine OB/GYN care and can perform physical activities they are comfortable performing.
  • You are NOT required to submit a TAFCSD waiver to SOS before attending the course.
  • All TAFCSD waivers should be routed through your MAJCOM/A1 office. -- Note: Some MAJCOMS have delegated the approval authority for TAFCSD waivers to individual Wing Commanders. Consult your MAJCOM A1.
  • SOS does not need to see your TAFCSD waiver. 

ANG and AFRC students should consult the SOS Reporting Guide as well as the lodging and finance information on the SOS website Lodging and Finance Information on the SOS FAQ and Additional Info tab. 

If you have any questions, please contact the AU Reserve Advisor at DSN 312-493-3290 or Commercial, 334-953-3290.

For questions regarding the Guard officer PME, please contact DSN 312-493-3060 or Commercial, 334-953-3060.   

For questions regarding orders, you may contact 908 FSS/FSO: DSN 312-493-9185 or Commercial 334-953-9185.


Per Department of the Airforce Instruction 36-2686, if a TDY student reports for a course and is found to be ineligible due to failure to meet ANY eligibility requirements without an ETP, the student will be returned to his or her unit at the parent unit's expense.

                                                                                            Per Diem MFR

                                                                        SOS Student Lodging and Finance Information

                                                                        Accompanied Spouses Guide

                                                                                            Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a Guard, Reservist, or Civilian interesting in attending SOS, please CLICK HERE.

If you completed SOS and need to request a transcript, CLICK HERE.



Squadron Officer School
125 Chennault Circle 

Building 1403
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112