Emerging Technology: Creator of Worlds
W. Michael Guillot
Are artificial intelligence, genetic modification, and human enhancement taboo? Our adversaries may not think so. Should we let imagination lead the way into the future or be stymied by our fears?
The Emerging Life Sciences and the National Security State
Jonathan D. Moreno
Social and behavioral sciences are increasingly converging with basic physical science leaving us to ponder important questions about the nature and limits of the human being in relation to the machine.
Brain Machine Interfaces: Realm of the Possible
Michael P. McLoughlin and Emelia S. Probasco
BMI is a technology with enormous potential that deserves more attention, resourcing, and development. While it is not generally accessible today, technologists, ethicists, and the public should consider its implications now.
Biotechnology: An Era of Hopes and Fears
LTC Douglas R. Lewis, PHD, US Army
Increasing knowledge of genetics and cellular function, coupled with increases in computing power, is allowing development of novel, highly targeted treatments for all manners of disease and injury. However, every new treatment also represents a potential new lethal weapon.
Deterring Emerging Technologies
Col John P. Geis II, PHD, USAF, Retired and Col Theodore C. Hailes, USAF, Retired
Science and technology will continue to drive potentially dangerous technologies such as biotechnology, directed energy, and nanotechnology. Threats from nations, groups, and individuals must be deterred by new thinking.
Additive Manufacturing: From Form to Function
Amanda M. Schrand
For additive manufacturing to be considered a "game changing technology", increases in functionality of the fundamental building block materials and printer configurations is needed to enable the most revolutionary applications.
DARPA Emerging Technologies
Major Paul Calhoun, USAF
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) investigates future force structures including critical breakthrough technologies in disaggregated capabilities, hypersonic strike weapons, and directed energy.
The Future of Artificial Intelligence
Allison Berke
How likely is it that humanity will develop artificial human-level intelligence, and when might that happen? The implication is: a human-level intelligence capable of using abundantly available computational resources will quickly bootstrap itself into superintelligence.