Strategic Studies Quarterly

Volume 07 Issue 1 - Spring 2013

  • Published
  • Strategic Studies Quarterly, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

The New Era of Nuclear Weapons, Deterrence, and Conflict

Keir A. Lieber and Daryl G. Press

Technological innovation has dramatically improved the ability of states to launch “counterforce” attacks. In the coming decades, deterring the use of nuclear weapons during conventional wars will be much harder than most analysts believe.


Between Integration and Coexistence:US-Chinese Strategies of International Order

Liselotte Odgaard

The US integrationist and the Chinese coexistence programs of international order give rise to an international system characterized by a proliferation of loose strategic partnerships and ad hoc collaboration, the absence of permanent conflict resolution mechanisms, and competing programs for maintaining international peace and stability.


The New Media and the Rise of Exhortatory Terrorism
George Michael

Extremist and terrorist groups are now exploiting the new media and youth culture as powerful recruitment tools to communicate their views and incite violence.

Deterrence Logic and NATO's Nuclear Posture 
Damon V. Coletta

The logic of deterrence and the balance of intraalliance influence point toward fewer weapons assigned to NATO, in particular, to removal of residual US nonstrategic nuclear warheads from bases overseas.

What Great Powers Make It: International Order and the Logic of Cooperation in Cyberspace 
James Wood Forsyth Jr.

As cyberspace continues to evolve, the great powers will inevitably use their collective powers to transform it into a legitimate, durable, and relatively peaceful realm of activity.

Energy Insecurity: The False Promise of Liquid Biofuels 
Capt T. A. “Ike” Kiefer, USN

The United States cannot achieve energy security through biofuels, and even the attempt is ironically achieving effects contrary to “clean” and “green” environmental goals and actively threatening global security.

For a rebuttal from DoE, DoD, and the Author please Click Here

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