Strategic Studies Quarterly

Volume 01 Issue 2 - Winter 2007

  • Published
  • Strategic Studies Quarterly, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Air, Space, and Cyberspace Power for the Future?
Lt Gen Stephen R. Lorenz, USAF


Toward Restructuring National Security

Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF

Adapt or Die: The US Military’s Responsibility to Protect America by Leading the Transformations in Science and Technology
Newt Gingrich with CAPT Ronald E. Weisbrook, USN

Irregular Warfare: One Nature, Many Characters
Colin S. Gray

Exploring the Knowledge Nexus: India’s Path in Terrorism-Driven Institutional Growth
Chris C. Demchak
Eric Werner

Divine Victory for Whom? Airpower in the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War
William M. Arkin


Book Reviews

The Perils of Amateur Strategy as Exemplified by the Attack on the Dardanelles Fortress in 1915
Lt Gen Sir Gerald Ellison - Reviewed by: Lt Col Scott F. Murray, USAF

Human Rights in the Global Information Society

Rikki Frank Jorgensen, ed. - Reviewed by: Maj Jean Schara, USAFArticle Summary


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