Faculty Consultations True Published June 9, 2022 Air University Teaching & Learning Center Maxwell AFB, Alabama -- Faculty Consultations The TLC team represents expertise in learning technology, educational development, instruction, communication, research, and other related fields. We are available for confidential 45-minute one-on-one faculty consultations, held either in-person or virtually.* Book an appointment at https://fairchild-mil.libcal.com/appointments/TLC or email us at autlc@us.af.mil to collaborate on topics including, but not limited to: Designing curriculum (identifying competencies, drafting lesson objectives, building assessments, etc.) Implementing active learning strategies Teaching in multiple modalities (hybrid, face-to-face, distributed, etc.) The scholarship of teaching and learning Communication skills Inclusive teaching strategies Implementing learning technology into instruction Using Microsoft 365 *Faculty consultations are available for educators and staff directly affiliated with the U.S. Department of Defense.