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Faculty Consultations True

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  • Air University Teaching & Learning Center

Faculty ConsultationsTwo people using virtual reality gear

The TLC team represents expertise in learning technology, educational development, instruction, communication, research, and other related fields. We are available for confidential 45-minute one-on-one faculty consultations, held either in-person or virtually.* Book an appointment at or email us at to collaborate on topics including, but not limited to:

  1. Designing curriculum (identifying competencies, drafting lesson objectives, building assessments, etc.)
  2. Implementing active learning strategies
  3. Teaching in multiple modalities (hybrid, face-to-face, distributed, etc.)
  4. The scholarship of teaching and learning
  5. Communication skills
  6. Inclusive teaching strategies
  7. Implementing learning technology into instruction
  8. Using Microsoft 365

*Faculty consultations are available for educators and staff directly affiliated with the U.S. Department of Defense.