
Writing Process & Essay Structure





Overview of the Writing Process & Essay Structure:


The Writing Process (Air Force Research Institute).  Video produced by the Air Force Research Institute (AFRI) as part of the Academic Writing for Airman Video Series.  Provides a tutorial of the writing process (analyze, plan, draft, revise, edit, and publish) for an academic essay.


Writing Process – Quick Tip Handouts (University of Minnesota, Student Writing Support). The website provides a number of quick tip handouts on the writing process, including, designing and revising visuals for quantitative data, revision checklist, editing and proofreading strategies, academic essay structures and formats, and writing an effective title.


Writing Process – Prewriting, Organizing, & Revising (Purdue OWL).  The website provides a comprehensive list of resources to help with the writing process. The resources follow the pre-writing (invention), organizing, and revising writing process.


Writing a Research Paper (University of Wisconsin – Madison).  This website discusses the stages involved in writing a research paper including discovering, narrowing, and focusing a researchable topic; finding, selecting, and reading sources; grouping, sequencing, and documenting information; writing an outline, introduction, body, and conclusion; and revising the final draft. 


Writing an Essay (Purdue OWL).  The website describes essay writing and discusses four genres of essays (description, narration, exposition, and argumentation) common to academic writing. 


Strategies for Essay Writing (Harvard College Writing Center). This website provides a concise list of fundamental elements of academic writing.


Writing the Paper (UNC at Chapel Hill).  The website provides and extensive list of handouts and resources supporting the writing process. 




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