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Wild Blue Yonder Articles

  • Decision Advantage in Competition

    If decision advantage in conflict is closing our kill chains, then decision advantage in competition is keeping adversary kill chains open. In the 1950s, Col John Boyd embodied the concept of a decision cycle in conflict with his theory of the “OODA Loop.” He believed that the orient phase was key

  • HYPErsonic Missiles: The Path of Temptation

    During the Cold War, the United States (US) engaged in a nuclear arms race with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) that led the world down a path toward global annihilation, but with relatively equal capabilities, fear of nuclear Armageddon created a tense homeostasis.1 However, the US’s

  • Three Broken Teacups: The Crisis of U.S.-UAE relations

    The United States’ strategic pivot to great power competition in Asia and Europe has led to declining U.S. attention in the Middle East. As a result, America’s reduced presence in the region and under-investment in maintaining key partnerships have plunged multiple relationships into crisis. This is

  • Wild Blue Yonder on the Air - Ep. 17 - Dr. Sheila Young on Climate Change

    Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Air University, the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense, or any other US government agency.Dr. Margaret Sankey: Welcome to Wild

  • Environmental Scanning: A Strategists Competency

    “Clearly, the first task is to gain acceptance of a more reasonable view of the future, one that opens possibilities rather than forecloses them.”—Herman Kahn, Futurist, Founder of the Hudson Institute IntroductionThankfully, no country has detonated an atomic or thermonuclear weapon since World War

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