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Wild Blue Yonder Articles

  • Biological Weapons Accountability

    AbstractExamining the history of the former Soviet Union’s Biological Weapons program and their relationship with private research institutes that developed potential sources for covert biological weapons developments, one may recognize there is a real potential for an application of these deadly

  • Assessing Russian Cyber Effects

    In the context of the National Security Strategy’s conception of “great power competition” (Trump 2017), perhaps no nation-state has been as aggressive within the cyberspace domain as the Russian Federation. Furthermore, following two Russian campaigns to seize portions of Ukraine and Georgia’s

  • Evolving the Command and Control of Airpower

    IntroductionThe new Air Force Doctrine Publication (AFDP) 1 formally establishes mission command as the philosophy for the command and control (C2) of airpower, to be implemented through centralized command, distributed control, and decentralized execution.1 It is an evolution of the long-standing

  • The Problem with Three: Great Power Competition Deterrence

    Defining the relationship between two entities has provided some useful models. Marriage signifies the communal bond between two people. Newton helped define the gravitational relationship between two bodies. The Cold War brought insight into the working of strategic deterrence between two nuclear

  • Counter-Cyber Reflections for NATO

    BackgroundSince the mid-1990s, Russia has steadily recovered its ailing economy from post-Soviet collapse and resurfaced onto the world stage. It is Vladimir Putin’s objective to re-establish the Russian Federation (RF) in the international arena as a global security broker and secure Russia’s

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