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Wild Blue Yonder Articles

  • From Air to Ground: Introducing SOF SEAD Using DRFM Jamming

     The United States military has historically sought to nullify the effects of adversary radars and radar-guided weapons systems through airborne suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD) tactics, including high-speed anti-radiation missile (HARM) employment and electronic attack (EA).[1] While the US

  • Persistence in Airpower

    While a great deal of focus has been placed on the kinetic and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities of Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), their ability to remain present in the battlespace is their most important attribute. As manned

  • Automating OIE with Large Language Models

    Whether you call it non-kinetics, information warfare, information operations, or operations in the information environment (OIE), planning and executing these activities is extraordinarily difficult. A standard operation takes months, and the bureaucracy of OIE makes Before we discuss how to

  • A Joint, All-Domain Airman

     The Future Fight When then Chief of Staff of the Air Force General CQ Brown said, “we must be prepared to face future conflicts with our joint and combined partners,” he wasn’t making a bold proclamation, but rather stating a fact.[1] But what, then, was Gen Brown highlighting with his comment? The

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