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Wild Blue Yonder Articles

  • Why the A-Staff?

     Imperative for ChangeThe US may now face adversaries capable of wielding a disruptive and dangerous operational reach with mass, precision, and speed in all domains.[1] This increasingly complex environment requires the Air Force to shift away from centralized organizational constructs that were

  • Beneath The Surface: China’s Subtle, Tightening Grip On Filipino Affairs

    The Indo-Pacific region is a hotly contested arena where China and the United States vie for influence. Nowhere is this struggle more evident than in China's backyard, the South China Sea (SCS). Like picnic goers tip-toeing past a bee-infested trashcan, many smaller and developing countries of the

  • Before Mission Command

    The Air Force is not prepared to implement Mission Command (MC.)[1] Although an increasing number of Air Force senior leaders embrace the idea of MC, at least rhetorically, if it is to become a reality, there is much to overcome.[2]Conferences, new doctrine, and General Officers espousing the

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