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Wild Blue Yonder Articles

  • Dynamic Command, De-Centralized Execution

    By examining how authority has been delegated historically, this article considers the application of mesh-node architecture in the military’s command hierarchy to develop decentralized, dynamic commands for future conflicts against a peer adversary, identifying

  • Not Your Grandfather’s Nukes

    From 1950-1980, the United States (US) nuclear weapons program experienced its share of accidents with 32 on record in the opening decades of the Atomic Era. Practitioners call these events Broken Arrows. Analysts often illuminate the danger of these near misses and the trial-and-error safety

  • Atlantis Rising: Re-posturing the Azores for the Era of Strategic Competition

    Disclaimer: I’ve spent a lot of time studying the strategic significance of the Azores and am applying that while serving there. I’m not an expert but I think I can help illuminate the decision space for some choices that need to be made. They are Portuguese Islands. Portugal has their own plans and

  • Beware the Wunderwaffe

    The recent announcement by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak that the U.K. will send 14 Challenger II 3rdGeneration Main Battle Tanks (MBT) to Ukraine was met with jubilation in Kiev – which has long sought the latest Western tanks, aircraft, and air defense to liberate its Russian-occupied

  • Modernizing 5th Gen Fighter Pilot Training

    In no other profession are the penalties for employing untrained personnel so appalling or so irrevocable as in the military.- Douglas MacArthurAnnual Report of the Chief of Staff of the US Army (1933) Military training must…continually be forward-thinking, innovative, and aggressive.- Jim

  • Driving Change In The Presentation And Employment Of Airpower

     IntroductionIn recent remarks the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen C.Q. Brown, has identified a set of imperatives for the Air Force to address to meet the challenges presented by aggressive competitors, limited resources, and accelerating technological advances.[1] This article provides an

  • ‘Kursk 2.0’: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Defense-in-Depth

    In the morning of 05 July 1943, Oberkommando des Herres (OKH) ordered Army Group Center and Army Group South to begin their attack on a 250km wide and 150km deep Soviet ‘bulge’ along the Eastern Front. The attacks were to penetrate through Soviet defenses at the ‘elbows’ of the salient – Army Group

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