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Wild Blue Yonder Articles

  • The United States Must Pursue Greater Nuclear Energy Power Generation

    For years, scientists have warned us that the world must pursue net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This effort must be global, with countries like China and Brazil participating. However, before the United States can compel other nations to make a good-faith effort to decarbonize by 2050, we must

  • China’s Vaccines are Doing More Than Inoculating in Latin America

    Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Latin America has looked to the international community for support and found China ready and willing to lend a helping hand. The medical assistance that China has offered many Latin American countries has secured China promising inroads of soft

  • Economic Prospects for the Arctic: What Does It Mean for the United States?

    The United States needs the Arctic to be free of conflicts and defense overspending, enabling the country to scale back its global strategy and focus on the Indo-Pacific region. This is unlikely, given Chinese and Russia interests and tendencies. Consequently, the United States is preparing for a

  • Pilot Shortage

    One of the major problems that the aviation community is facing right now is a pilot shortage. In recent years, the number of pilots has slowly been declining, and now we have a major, global pilot shortage. Many people know about the shortage and are not doing anything about it. Many think it is

  • Flexibility: The Key to Airpower

    In our country’s current state, due to COVID-19, the Air Force tenet of flexibility is one of the most important assets we possess as Airmen and future Airmen.

  • The Importance of Mental Health in Uniform

    As humans, our mental health is important. As a military member it is even more so. “Life in the military can be stressful for anyone from an Airman to a general officer.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines mental health as “our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.”

  • Why the A-10 Should Not Retire Anytime Soon

    There are alternatives to using the A-10, but the Warthog still prevails through its many planned retirements because of its training requirements, design, weaponry, and ability to fly low and slow. The opinion by and large is that the A-10 is outdated, but this plane constantly proves why it has

  • Why Is Physical Fitness Important to the Military?

    The Air Force cares if Airmen work out, because the service wants its members to be healthy and strong. The service wants to reduce the health problems caused by obesity. If Airmen do not workout, their health will decline, and they will be unable to do their job.

  • Avoiding Thucydides’ Trap in the Western Pacific through the Air Domain

    Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the United States has arguably exercised the most powerful global military imbalance the world has ever seen. This domination; however, is perceived to be fading in the wake of a new possible contender. The tension and likelihood of conflict between the United

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