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Wild Blue Yonder Articles

  • The United States Post–COVID-19

    The post–Covid-19 world will look dramatically different than it did before. We believe that the world and history will be split across the middle by this monumental event, much as most of the Western world conceptualizes history in the Christian BC (before Christ) and AD (anno domini) paradigm, as

  • The Silent Erosion of Sovereignty: A Sino–Australian Example

    This short submission highlights the potential and current dangers of the CCP information and influence operations as part of the People's Liberation Army’s wider noncontact warfare approach of China's "three warfares" in the so-called grey zone and looks at potential comprehensive countermeasures.

  • Preserving Freedom of Action in Cislunar Space

    This article highlights an asteroid-sized hole in US space strategy; the US government has no military plans to protect and defend its commercial Moon and asteroid mining initiatives against adversary aggression and competing interests. Unless a strategy is developed by the Department of Defense to

  • Space Power Institute Think Tank

    This article calls for the establishment of an organization that will develop advanced space warfare theory, policy, doctrine, strategies, and tactics that will propel the United States as the premier world center for understanding the methods and techniques for conducting military operations in the

  • China’s Strategic Preconditioning in the Twenty-first Century

    China’s ascent as a new imperial global power seems to be unstoppable. Originally built on business, globalization, technological advancement a “newer” focus on an imperialistic national rejuvenation has taken place under its leader, Xi Jinping. These developments have gone mostly unchecked by the

  • Effective Team Building and Leadership at Al Dhafra, 2015–2016

    In 2019, as part of a study of air operations conducted by US Air Forces Central Command (USAFCENT) against the Islamic State (ISIS) (Operation Inherent Resolve), recent historical research revealed an exemplary case study of team building and leadership. Between June 2015 and June 2016 at Al Dhafra

  • How to Win the Next Space War: An Assessment

    The importance of space satellites and their supporting systems cannot be overstated. Their use in the civil and commercial world to provide communications, weather, navigation, timing, and Earth resources monitoring provides major advantages to those who employ the information generated by these

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