Online Master's Degree Program (OLMP)


OLMP path

The Online Master’s Program (OLMP) is a master’s degree program designed to produce more effective officers for serving in operational-level command or staff positions. The program fosters the development of higher-order thinking by challenging students to think critically about applying air and space power in joint campaigns at the operational level of war.  The curriculum addresses topics including contemporary Air Force operations, national security, leadership, and joint warfare. 

The OLMP is offered in four concentrations, all of which are separate from ACSC’s traditional non-resident distance learning program. The four concentrations are: Joint Warfare, Leadership, Nuclear Weapons, and Operational Warfare.  Students who complete the Joint Warfare concentration also earn Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) Phase I credit and Intermediate Developmental Education (IDE) credit on their Air Force record.  

Courses require 15 to 18 hours of work per week. Due to the level of work required, new students are allowed to enroll in only one course each term.  Once students have successfully completed their first three courses, they may enroll in two courses per term (however, this is not recommended). Tuition is free and there is no active-duty service commitment associated with the program; however, students incur the cost of required books, personal computer(s), and internet connectivity. 

Students who work steadily should complete the program within two years; however, students have up to five years to meet all degree requirements. Due to the inherent flexibility of the program, student deployments, unique duty schedules, and job or personal demands while enrolled can be easily managed.


Student Handbook

Student Handbook


Research Topics

Research Topics


The OLMP produces graduates who are able to…

1. Lead and command in complex, dynamic, and ambiguous operational environments. 

2. Apply military theory in general and airpower theory in particular to operational problems across the range of military operations. 

3. Plan for the integration and employment of joint forces at the operational level in whole-of-government operations across the spectrum of war and conflict. 

4. Articulate capabilities and limitations of service and joint organizations in the conduct of war at the operational level.

5. Apply research methodologies and critical-thinking skills to analyze issues of concern to the warfighter and/or broader defense community. 

Refer to Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-2670, Total Force Development, for general eligibility requirements. Additionally, see the sections below.

The Joint Warfare Concentration

The Joint Warfare Concentration is specifically designed to prepare majors for the increased leadership and joint duty responsibilities they will face as they progress through their careers in the Air Force and Space Force. Graduates of this concentration will receive credit for IDE, JPME Phase I, and a Master of Military OperationalArt and Science degree.

US Air Force and US Space Force: Eligible personnel include O-4 selects and O-4s on Active Duty or in the AFRES and ANG. Individuals who have completed IDE are eligible.  However, individuals who have completed an Advanced Degree are ineligible.

Civilians: Full-time Department of the Air Force civilians in grades GS-12 through GS-14, or equivalent with a minimum of two years of federal service by the last day of the applicant window (Not Waiverable). Individuals who have completed IDE are eligible.  However, individuals who have completed an Advanced Degree are ineligible. Air Force civilians should contact their local civilian personnel office for more information.

US Sister Service (Military): Eligible personnel include O-4 selects and O-4s on Active Duty or in the Guard or Reserves.  Individuals who have completed IDE are eligible.  However, individuals who have completed an Advanced Degree are ineligible.  Sister Service acceptance into the program is limited by space availability within the program.  

Note for US Army: Army officers will not enroll in other than Army schools without written approval of the DCS, G-3/5/7 (Director of Training) per Army Regulation (AR) 350-1.

Nuclear Weapons Concentration 

The Nuclear Weapons Concentration leverages the Nuclear Weapons Effects, Policy, and Proliferation (NWEPP) Certificate Program administered by the Air Force Institute of Technology. The concentration is specifically designed to award 12 credit hours in nuclear weapons studies to NWEPP graduates once they have completed the OLMP online application, are admitted to the OLMP, and have completed the seven core OLMP courses. Students graduating from the nuclear weapons concentration will receive the Master of Military Operational Art and Science and get a jump-start on their PME requirements.

AFIT, in coordination with Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC), determines eligibility and entry into the NWEPP Certificate Program. NWEPP graduates who also meet the eligibility requirements for the OLMP may apply for enrollment into the nuclear weapons concentration.

Eligible personnel include Air Force and Space Force O-3s thru O-5s who:

1. have total active federal commissioned service of six or more years,
2. have completed SOS (resident or non-resident), and
3. do not have a master’s degree.

Leadership Concentration

The Leadership Concentration is specifically designed to prepare captains for the leadership responsibilities they will face as they progress through their careers in the Air Force and Space Force. The academic program consists of 11 courses (seven core and four concentration) for a total of 33 semester hours of credit. Students graduating from the leadership concentration will receive the Master of Military Operational Art and Science and get a jump-start on their PME requirements.

Eligible personnel include Air Force and Space Force active duty O-3s who:

1. have total active federal commissioned service of six or more years,
2. have completed Squadron Officer School (SOS) (resident or online), and
3. do not have a master’s degree.

There are limited opportunities for Guard and Reserve O-3s who meet all other requirements to participate in the Leadership Concentration. Contact the Guard or Reserve headquarters for more information.

Operational Warfare Concentration

The Operational Warfare Concentration leverages the Weapons Instructor Course (WIC) programs conducted by the USAF Weapons School. The concentration is specifically designed to award 12 credit hours in operational warfare studies toward the OLMP to WIC graduates once they have completed the OLMP online application, are admitted to the OLMP, and have completed the seven core OLMP courses. Students graduating from the operational warfare concentration will receive the Master of Military Operational Art and Science degree and get a jump-start on their PME requirements.

Eligible personnel include only Air Force and Space Force O-3s thru O-5s who:

1. graduates from WIC after January 2009,
2. have total active federal commissioned service of six or more years, 
3. have completed SOS (resident or online), and
4. do not have a master’s degree.


Before applying, students must confirm that their official record accurately reflects all degrees earned. Refer to the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) to check official records. Contact AFIT/RRC (DSN 785-6234) to update your information.

Please download and follow our detailed step-by-step program enrollment guide (with screenshots) here.  A CAC card is required to complete the enrollment process.

Civilians:  Applicants must apply through the Civilian Development (CD) annual nomination call in the Jan/Feb timeframe through MyVector. More information is available on the ACSC-OLMP My FSS website. Please contact AFPC CD Program manager, Mr. Brenton McCollum, or your functional career field team (CFT) if you have any questions.

For course descriptions and requirements, see the current Air University Catalog.

To apply for OLMP graduation, download the Graduation Information Request form and submit it via email to

Global College of PME
51 East Maxwell Boulevard
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

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