Air University Registrar’s Office is responsible for maintaining the academic records for active duty, guard and reserve officers of the USAF. They receive thousands of transcripts annually. Upon receipt of college transcripts, our Coding staff determines the appropriate academic specialty code (ASC), and updates that data, along with the school code and academic level (baccalaureate, master's, doctorate, professional degrees), into the Military Personnel Data System (MilPDS). This information is used for assignments, promotions, AFSC determinations, and other personnel actions.
The most common updates are: bachelor's degrees, bachelor plus (annotated on the Career Data Brief (CDB) and SURF as "Graduate Work - No Graduate Degree"), master's degree, master's plus, PhDs, medical residencies/fellowships, and professional degrees (medical, law, chaplain, etc.).
How to obtain an educational level update
An official transcript electronic(fastest) or hard copy from the awarding academic institutions reflecting your award of degree or degree progress can be submitted via the Air University Parchment account at Air University Transcript Request | Parchment or emailed in Adobe Acrobat.pdf format to The Air University Academic Coding Branch will only accept transcripts that reflect degree award/conferral dates. Official transcripts will be verified prior to updating a Service member’s record.
NOTE: Most official transcripts do not include your SSN or date of birth. If you have a common name, it is recommended that you contact the school to ensure that additional identifying information is on your transcript to ensure the Academic Coding Branch can locate you in MILPDS. If you have changed your last name, please ensure the last name on your transcript matches your AF records or we will be unable to locate you in the system.
We cannot accept diplomas, faxes, photocopies, student scanned copies, e-mail copies, screenshots, unofficial, opened, or “issued to student” transcripts, enrollment verifications, or grade reports.
NOTE: For bachelor's plus and master's updates all credits must be on a single university transcript. We do not have the authority to combine hours from multiple schools. We will accept transfer hours as annotated. Minimum requirements for a bachelor plus are the completion of 15 semester hours or 22 quarter hours toward the award of a master's degree. Minimum requirements for a master's plus are the completion of 30 semester hours or 45 quarter hours.
All correspondence requesting updates to academic level should be addressed to:
Air University Academic Coding Branch
60 W Schumacher Ave
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112
Please allow approximately 2-3 weeks processing time for academic coding updates. The individual will notice the update on the CDB in vMPF within 24 hrs of processing. (We do not make real time updates to AMS SURF or AFVEC, it may take up to 30 days for the change to flow to other systems.)
Transcript Fees
DAFI36-2678 para 5.1. Officer Updates. Officers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their education records annually. It is the officer’s responsibility to contact the issuing institution and fund the cost of any requested transcript/documentation. DAF will not reimburse transcript fees. Transcripts and documentation must be mailed or sent electronically from the issuing institution directly to the Air University Academic Coding Branch.
Information for Officers whose graduate degree status is "Requirements Complete/Pending Graduation"
This information only applies if your degree requirements are completed, but a degree has not been awarded/conferred. (If your degree was awarded over 3 months ago, you are not pending graduation and need to send official transcripts).
An official letter from the university registrar on university letterhead may be mailed or e-mailed to our office. The letter must contain the following information: Name, SSN, degree level, major area of study, date of graduation (for future graduation dates we will accept the requirements completion date as a substitute). The letter must be physically signed by the Registrar. We cannot accept letters stating pending status, should graduate, or audits pending. All letters must reflect that all pre-graduation actions are complete. (Note: We cannot accept letters for bachelor's degrees, bachelor's plus or master's plus updates.) This update is valid for a one time, 90-day entry in your MilPDS record. You will need to have an official transcript sent to us on or after the graduation date in order to make this a permanent entry in your records.
Board Information from the OPB Instructions
Academic Education:
This area holds only your two highest/most recent degrees. Officers are responsible for ensuring their education records are updated as quickly as possible after completing new education levels. You may request an update of bachelor's plus or master's plus to show progress toward an advanced degree. At least 15 semester or 22 quarter hours of graduate-level work are required for BAC+ and 30 semester, or 45 quarter hours of PhD work are required for MAS+. Official transcripts must be sent to the AFIT Academic Coding Branch directly from the issuing institutions.
If you are unsure if your degree information is being masked, please review your Career Data Brief in virtual Military Personnel File(vMPF) prior to contacting our office.
How coding works in MilPDS
The Air University Academic Coding Branch uses a list of codes located in MilPDS to update degree information. Once the code is entered, MilPDS has default information that populates the system. This information cannot be changed.
Information that Air University Academic Coding Branch cannot update:
- Any type of board certification or short course training items.
- Medical Licenses/Credentials
Use official transcripts, hard-copy and electronic, from awarding academic institutions to update enlisted education levels. Official transcripts will be verified prior to updating a Service member’s record. Hard-copy transcripts will be provided in a sealed, stamped, official envelope with the seal intact. Electronic transcripts will be received via secure methods directly from the providing academic institution to the E&TS. If an official transcript is not available, approved supplementary documentation will be accepted if on institutions’ letterhead, includes the conferral date, and registrar’s signature.