

ACSC Commandant Welcomes Class of 2026

ACSC Class of 2026,Col Benjamin B. Hatch, Commandant

Congratulations on your selection to attend Air Command and Staff College, the premier Air Power School! The faculty of this renowned institution works tirelessly to educate and develop commanders, staff officers, and airpower leaders who solve problems at the operational level of war. While here, you will engage in 10 months of professional military education designed around rigorous academics, and personal and professional developmental opportunities. This is a major career milestone that affords you the opportunity to grow as an officer and leader in the profession of arms. During your ACSC experience, you will strengthen your professional network, learn from our expert faculty, widen the aperture of your operational air and space dominance lens, and prepare for the near-term challenges ahead.

ACSC prides itself in the expertise of our outstanding faculty. ACSC faculty have integrated contemporary war-fighting themes like great power competition, joint all domain operations, multi-capable Airmen, and agile combat employment throughout our curriculum to encourage discussion among our students that contribute to deterring or winning the next war regardless of location around the globe.

ACSC is also an opportunity for you to re-visit old friendships and make new ones.  We encourage you to take the initiative to engage in conversations with your ACSC classmates and fully immerse yourself with other career fields, nationalities, and walks of life. Your classmates will include the best officers from across the DoD and 60+ countries around the world, as well as civilian professionals from the DoD and other federal agencies. These service, joint, whole of government, and allies and partner nation relationships create a distinct operational advantage and promote interoperability.

The vast majority of ACSC graduates will depart Maxwell AFB for high-visibility staff assignments or command. Those jobs will require you to consume large volumes of information, think critically and creatively, and communicate thoughts to your boss both verbally and in writing. To that end, ACSC academics are unapologetically demanding. You will engage with material covering the theory of war, airpower history and application, international security, leadership, and joint planning while linking these to the contemporary security environment. The coursework will challenge you and is intended to prepare you for what lies ahead. The wisdom you gain here at ACSC will be essential in your upcoming assignments.

My staff and faculty are dedicated to preparing you to thrive in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment. To find out more about the academics, student life, inbound info, and the local community, please visit our website and look for the Academic Year 2026 (AY26) information at

Benjamin B. Hatch, Colonel, USAF


Preparing For ACSC


Reading and writing at a professional collegiate level will be a change for some of you.  If this is the case, do not be alarmed, you are NOT alone!  There are plenty of resources available at Air University to assist you in your academic/professional development. 

Here’s some suggested reading for those who have not been in an academic setting in quite sometime. 

Visit the AU Teaching and Learning Center

Technology Requirements

US students attending ACSC must bring their own personal computing device. International Officers are not required to bring their own device, but they may bring a personal device if it meets the required criteria.  If necessary, international officers will be issued a US government computer for their use while a student at ACSC. Each user is responsible for the maintenance and repair of their own personal computing device. Government “loaner” laptops are available on a limited basis for temporary use if a student experiences a catastrophic computer failure. ACSC recommends against the use of Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) from any outside agency, as these devices may experience compatibility issues that cannot be resolved. Personal computing devices must meet the following standards:

HARDWARE (Do NOT bring a desktop style computer for use in the seminar rooms) 
• Laptop or notebook with a physical keyboard, due to extensive curriculum writing requirements.
• 802.11ac or 802.11n capable wireless card
• CAC reader
  • Students may bring Windows-based or Mac devices. All devices must be running a fully licensed and activated version of the operating system. Additionally, all operating systems must have the latest security patches applied. 
  • For Windows devices:  Windows 10 or higher
  • For Mac devices: OS X 10.13.3 (High Sierra) or higher
• Modern web browser with the ability to run web-based applications (e.g., current version of edge, firefox, chrome or safari).
• Adobe Acrobat Reader or other software capable of viewing PDF files
• Office suite capable of processing Microsoft Office file formats [Word, PowerPoint, Excel] 
• Up-to-date anti-virus protection
• An annual certificate of completion for the DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge that covers the entire academic year until graduation

ACSC BYOD IT Checklist:

Enabling your computer to authenticate to DoD websites

Visit Public key Infrastructure/Enabling (PKI/PKE) to configure systems to access PKI-protected content.

• Select Windows and execute steps 1, 2*, 3, 4 
NOTE: Windows 10 & 11 users DO NOT need to execute step 2

AF Webmail Access

Work Email: Required to check once weekly

Set up signature block in OWA 

  • Once signed into OWA click on the setting’s “gear” icon in the upper right corner 
  • Select Options from the drop-down menu 
  • On the left-hand side under Mail>Layout>Email signature you will find a location for entering a signature block
  • Check both boxes to include the signature on new and reply/forward messages
  • Use the template below with your name. Add any other (Flight/Division Academic/ Athletic/IT Rep, MDOS, Fellow, etc.) on the line below ACSC Student


Student, ACSC AY26

(Additional titles)

  • Finally click the “Save” icon and then click the “<-“ icon in the upper left to return to the main OWA screen. 

Obtaining a virtual NIPR terminal via Desktop Anywhere 

1. Desktop Anywhere is a service that allows users to access a virtual NIPR desktop from your personal computer. It works on both Mac and Windows computers. Desktop Anywhere provides access to the full suite of AFNet applications, allowing users to send and receive encrypted email, digitally sign documents, and access SharePoint and shared drive locations as if they were operating from a .mil computer. 
▪ On your personal computer, search for “Desktop Anywhere” on AF Portal (or go to the link below):

▪ Open and follow the instructions located in the “Attachments” column on the right side of the page for your system (Windows or Mac).



Uniform Requirements

1. U.S. Military Students: Bring all duty uniforms with you to ACSC

2. The primary duty uniform at Maxwell AFB is the OCP uniform (or equivalent) and/or flight suit. International Officers should bring a complete set of their country's equivalent of the camouflage fatigue/utility uniform (i.e. OCP), and a service dress uniform (coat, tie and hat)

3. Civilians are expected to comply with reasonable dress and grooming standards based on comfort, productivity, health, safety and type of position occupied. Jeans are not authorized.

Formal Mess Dress Mess Dress Army Mess Dress (Blue or White) Optional: Dress Blue or Dress White with Black Bow Tie Seasonal Dinner Dress Blue Dinner Dress White Evening Dress or Dress Blue and/or Blue/White "A" Tuxedo (Black Tie) / Ladies Formal
Semi-Formal Service Dress Service Dress Class A Army Green Service Uniform with Coat and Four-in-Hand Tie Seasonal Service Dress Blue Service Dress White Summer White Service "A" Business Suit Skirt / Blouse Cocktail Dress
Informal Short sleeve blue shirt, open collar Short Sleeve blue shirt, open collar Class B Army Green Service Uniform (w/o coat and tie) Service Khaki Alternate: Summer White Winter Blue Aviation Working Green Service "B" or "C" uniform Dress Shirt Dress Slacks
Duty Uniform OCP or Flight Suit OCP OCP or Flight Suit Camouflage Utility Uniform/Flight Suit Service Khaki Shipboard Overalls Utilities / Flight Suit Casual

ACSC In-Processing

Current as of: 7 February 2025

Disclaimer:  All information on this page is subject to change.  Please check back periodically for updates.


Reporting Date:   NET: 23 June 2025                           NLT: 08 July 2025

Class Dates:        Class Start Date: 17 July 2025        Class Graduation Date: 21 May 2026


Mandatory Sign-In Instructions: Inbound students will report to Student Squadron DOs in person (in uniform) to sign in, upon arrival in the local area, between the hours of 0900-1200 beginning Monday, 23 June 2025 through Tuesday, 8 July 2025 (Closed 4-7 July). Sign-in will be held in the Wood Auditorium Foyer of the ACSC Campus (Building 1402, Maxwell AFB).


An ACSC-AY26 Teams Channel will be created in early May with detailed reporting instructions, please review these documents in their entirety. 





Additional Instructions:

Congratulations on your selection for in-residence Air Command and Staff College! The ACSC Student Squadron staff will reach out to inbound students January - February 2025 via email to make initial contact and relay important school and local area information. Please review the following information and familiarize yourself with the appropriate inbound student checklist found at the bottom of this page. 

1. Uniforms: Be in uniform (business casual for civilian students) when signing-in and ensure all uniforms are readily available to wear as required. Those inbounds coming from OCONUS locations should not pack service dress or OCPs in their HHG or unaccompanied baggage as they will be required for the opening ceremony to start the academic year. Reference above "Uniforms" tab for further details.

2. Student Leadership Positions:  The role of the Initial Student Cadre (ISC) is to fill critical student leadership positions amongst the main body of students. Students who hold these peer leadership positions are vital in establishing the culture, morale, and developmental opportunities for the class throughout the year. A call for volunteers will be sent with initial messaging January - February 2025. If you are interested in a position (as found on the “Student Roles” page at top of this page), please send an email to

3. Concentrations/Specializations: Upon designation for ACSC, US civilian and military students are eligible to apply for participation in the Joint All-Domain Strategist program (JADS) or the Cyber-Focused Specialization in conjunction with traditional ACSC coursework. Application solicitation will be sent out via email February - April 2025. Students selected for JADS will require a TS/SCI clearance. 

4. Reporting Dates: Reporting prior to the Report No Earlier than Date (RNETD) or after the Report No Later than Date (RNLTD) is NOT authorized without prior coordination through ACSC and final approval from HQ AFPC/DP2LWD. Personnel that report early without prior authorization will be charged leave until the authorized reporting date and will not be reimbursed for excess lodging/per diem accrued due to early reporting. 

5. Early Reporting: Advance written permission must be obtained should early reporting be required (i.e. mandatory return from remote assignments).  Normal CONUS and OCONUS moves do not meet this intent.  Early reporting requests for personal convenience (apart from late-term pregnancy/delivery) will not be approved.  Please email STUS leadership at to request an early report date. If an early reporting request is approved, the following statement must be included on your orders: “Early reporting authorized. Written approval obtained from the Student Squadron Commander at Air Command and Staff College.”

6. Computer Requirements: Air University schools have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy and students will not be issued government laptops.  All students attending Air Command and Staff College are expected to bring their own personally-owned (not government-issued) device for access to course materials. 

7. Microsoft Teams: ACSC Students and Faculty will communicate via M365 Teams for the duration of the academic year. Students will have an M365 Teams account created for them NLT May. Once created, you will be receiving an email with your Teams account information as well as a temporary password. It is imperative that you access Teams and set up your account and unique password as soon as you receive this email to prevent subsequent re-requests for account activation from the AU/A6. If you are unable to login, please contact our org box.

8. Masters Degree: Students who graduate the ACSC in-residence Master's program will earn a Masters of Military Operational Art and Science. Students who previously graduated from the ACSC Online Master’s Program and have already been awarded a Masters of Operational Art and Science degree will not earn a second degree. If not previously obtained, the OLMP graduate will receive IDE in-residence and JPME I credit.

9. Leave: Inbound students should take sufficient leave prior to arrival at ACSC to avoid falling into a "use or lose" situation in the fall of the academic year. ACSC will NOT authorize ordinary leave to students on academic duty days; there will be scheduled break periods where leave can be used. The academic calendar will be communicated to inbound students as soon as it is available (usually May prior to the new class start). Do NOT use a previous year's academic calendar to plan trips and do NOT make any non-refundable monetary commitments (i.e. plane tickets/convention reservations/etc) until the AY26 academic calendar is published. 

*Please check the FAQs page and send any additional unanswered questions to the Student Squadron (STUS) team via email to the ACSC STUS Org Box E-Mail:


*Please select the appropriate dropdown below according to the category that most accurately describes you (i.e. Air Force vs. Sister Service vs. Fellow, etc.)*

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. Fitness Standards: USAF inbounds must have a current passing Air Force fitness assessment that will not expire prior to 1 October 2025. USSF Inbounds follow service specific fitness standards.

2. Narrative Only PRF: Have a Narrative-Only PRF completed and routed to AFPC by losing unit prior to departing base (student should retain a signed copy). This is a member and losing senior rater/MPF responsibility. ACSC does not receive or process PRFs. 

3. DEERS: All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

4. Security Clearance: A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

5. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Ancillary Training/MyLearning:  All inbound USAF students are expected to complete annual ancillary training requirements prior to arrival. DoD Cyber Awareness training must be completed prior to arrival at ACSC.

7. IMR Requirements: US Air Force students must maintain current IMR requirements throughout the academic year. Ensure PHA/PHAQs are completed prior to departing losing duty stations. 

8. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.  

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. AU Fellows Program: Inbounds designated as AU Fellows should expect to hear from the AU Fellows liaison, Lt Col Jonathan Vogel, NLT April 2025 for fellow-specific guidance and instructions. During orientation, fellows will attend an event with the AU Commander for initial expectations and additional information. In the spring, Fellows will have the opportunity to indicate preferences on their follow-on faculty year.

2. Fitness Standards: USAF inbounds must have a current passing Air Force fitness assessment that will not expire prior to 1 October 2025. USSF Inbounds follow service specific fitness standards.

3. Narrative Only PRF: Have a Narrative-Only PRF completed and routed to AFPC by losing unit prior to departing base (student should retain a signed copy). This is a member and losing senior rater/MPF responsibility. ACSC does not receive or process PRFs. 

4. DEERS: All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

5. Security Clearance: A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

7. Ancillary Training/MyLearning:  All inbound USAF students are expected to complete annual ancillary training requirements prior to arrival. DoD Cyber Awareness training must be completed prior to arrival at ACSC.

8. IMR Requirements: US Air Force students must maintain current IMR requirements throughout the academic year. Ensure PHA/PHAQs are completed prior to departing losing duty stations. 

9. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.  

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. Service Liaisons: Sister Service inbounds should expect to hear from their respective service liaison NLT April 2024 for service-specific guidance and instructions regarding reporting, fitness, medical readiness, access, etc. Upon arrival, sister service students will check in with their service liaison and then check in with the ACSC Student Squadron team per the published Reporting Instruction.

US Army

Lt Col Andrew Jasso ( & Ms. Alexiss Gibbons (

US Navy and Coast Guard

CDR Rosemary Henson (

US Marine Corps

Lt Col Barney Blaine (


Col Eltressa Spencer -USAFR ( & Lt Col Jeremy Harris - ANG (

2. DEERS: All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

3. Security Clearance:  A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

4. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

5. Transcripts: (Non-USAF Military and Civilian Personnel) All students must request their official undergraduate transcript be mailed or e-mailed to the Air University (AU) Registrar's Office NLT 1 June. AU Registrar contact information: Email:; mail: Air University ATTN: Admission, 60 W. Shumacher Avenue, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112. If you have questions, please contact the ACSC Registrar Office at Comm: 334-953-9820 (DSN: 493). Only one transcript is required from either the student’s bachelor’s or master’s degree, not both.

6. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. Civilian Student Liaison: Civilian inbounds should expect to hear from the cvilian liaison, Ms. Suzette Daniel (AFPC Comm: 210-565-58014), NLT April 2025 for guidance and instructions regarding reporting, medical readiness, access, etc. Upon arrival, civilian inbounds will check in with the ACSC Student Squadron team per the published Reporting Instruction.

2. Travel Orders: Civilian students typically attend ACSC in TDY status. Please ensure your orders reflect two fund cites: one for FY25 and one for FY26. Also, work with your home station Commercial Travel Office (CTO) and Orders Approving Authority (AO) to help you find lodging in accordance with local per diem rates. Later in the school year, you will need “dual lodging” authorized due to a concurrent TDY.

3. Pay and Leave Records: Because civilian students attend ACSC in a TDY status, their pay and leave records are maintained by their home station. Task sufficient leave prior to arrival at ACSC to avoid a “use or lose” situation during the academic year.

4. Security Clearance:  A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

5. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Transcripts: All students must request their official undergraduate transcript be mailed or e-mailed to the Air University (AU) Registrar's Office NLT 1 June. AU Registrar contact information: Email:; mail: Air University ATTN: Admission, 60 W. Shumacher Avenue, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112. If you have questions, please contact the ACSC Registrar Office at Comm: 334-953-9820 (DSN: 493). Only one transcript is required from either the student’s bachelor’s or master’s degree, not both.

7. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.

8. DEERS: All DoD civilians must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. Civilian Student Liaison: Civilian inbounds should expect to hear from the cvilian liaison, Ms. Suzette Daniel (AFPC Comm: 210-565-58014), NLT April 2025 for guidance and instructions regarding reporting, medical readiness, access, etc. Upon arrival, civilian inbounds will check in with the ACSC Student Squadron team per the published Reporting Instruction.

2. Travel Orders: Civilian students typically attend ACSC in TDY status. Please ensure your orders reflect two fund cites: one for FY25 and one for FY26. Also, work with your home station Commercial Travel Office (CTO) and Orders Approving Authority (AO) to help you find lodging in accordance with local per diem rates. Later in the school year, you will need “dual lodging” authorized due to a concurrent TDY.

3. Pay and Leave Records: Because civilian students attend ACSC in a TDY status, their pay and leave records are maintained by their home station. Task sufficient leave prior to arrival at ACSC to avoid a “use or lose” situation during the academic year.

4. Security Clearance:  A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

5. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Transcripts: All students must request their official undergraduate transcript be mailed or e-mailed to the Air University (AU) Registrar's Office NLT 1 June. AU Registrar contact information: Email:; mail: Air University ATTN: Admission, 60 W. Shumacher Avenue, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112. If you have questions, please contact the ACSC Registrar Office at Comm: 334-953-9820 (DSN: 493). Only one transcript is required from either the student’s bachelor’s or master’s degree, not both.

7. Base Access: All students must have base access. If you do not have a Common Access Card (CAC) you will need to work with your service/agency representative/advisor to sponsor you to obtain a base access pass for the duration of the academic year.

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. ACSC Concentrations: Inbounds designated as PAS, SANDS, or JADS should expect to hear from their respective concentration faculty NLT April 2025 for concentration-specific guidance and instructions. During sign-in, concentration inbounds typically sign in with the Student Squadron Leadership and subsequently sign-in with their concentration faculty to collect their books and accomplish additional security requirements.  

2. Fitness Standards: USAF inbounds must have a current passing Air Force fitness assessment that will not expire prior to 1 October 2025. USSF Inbounds follow service specific fitness standards.

3. Narrative Only PRF: Have a Narrative-Only PRF completed and routed to AFPC by losing unit prior to departing base (student should retain a signed copy). This is a member and losing senior rater/MPF responsibility. ACSC does not receive or process PRFs. 

4. DEERS: All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

5. Security Clearance: PAS Clearance requirement is Top Secret/SSBI for SCI (LAF ONLY); Students selected for JADS will need a TS/SCI clearance; SANDS Clearance requirement is TS/SCI with RD/CNWDI.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

7. Ancillary Training/MyLearning:  All inbound USAF students are expected to complete annual ancillary training requirements prior to arrival. DoD Cyber Awareness training must be completed prior to arrival at ACSC.

8. IMR Requirements: US Air Force students must maintain current IMR requirements throughout the academic year. Ensure PHA/PHAQs are completed prior to departing losing duty stations. 

9. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.  


Student Life

Current as of: 6 Dec 2024

The ACSC Student Squadron staff will reach out to inbound students January - February via email to make initial contact and relay important school and local area information. Please review the information below as well as the FAQs page and feel free to send any unanswered questions to the Student Squadron (STUS) team via email to the ACSC STUS Org Box E-Mail:


ACSC is a rigorous academic program filled with personal and professional development opportunities. Students are expected to attend all activities on the ACSC academic schedule. Leave opportunities during the academic year are typically limited to scheduled holiday breaks and AETC family days. Students should not make plans involving irrevocable family or financial commitments during their time at ACSC. 

Topic 2: CHILDCARE, EDUCATION, Medical Care, EFMP and Housing

Visit the Maxwell AFB website for comprehensive information and links to resources for military-operated or military-approved child care programs, medical care, EFMP, and Housing.

Reference the School Liaison Program Manager website for comprehensive information and links to resources for public, private, and homeschool environments.

Commandant's Welcome

ACSC Commandant Welcomes Class of 2026

ACSC Class of 2026,Col Benjamin B. Hatch, Commandant

Congratulations on your selection to attend Air Command and Staff College, the premier Air Power School! The faculty of this renowned institution works tirelessly to educate and develop commanders, staff officers, and airpower leaders who solve problems at the operational level of war. While here, you will engage in 10 months of professional military education designed around rigorous academics, and personal and professional developmental opportunities. This is a major career milestone that affords you the opportunity to grow as an officer and leader in the profession of arms. During your ACSC experience, you will strengthen your professional network, learn from our expert faculty, widen the aperture of your operational air and space dominance lens, and prepare for the near-term challenges ahead.

ACSC prides itself in the expertise of our outstanding faculty. ACSC faculty have integrated contemporary war-fighting themes like great power competition, joint all domain operations, multi-capable Airmen, and agile combat employment throughout our curriculum to encourage discussion among our students that contribute to deterring or winning the next war regardless of location around the globe.

ACSC is also an opportunity for you to re-visit old friendships and make new ones.  We encourage you to take the initiative to engage in conversations with your ACSC classmates and fully immerse yourself with other career fields, nationalities, and walks of life. Your classmates will include the best officers from across the DoD and 60+ countries around the world, as well as civilian professionals from the DoD and other federal agencies. These service, joint, whole of government, and allies and partner nation relationships create a distinct operational advantage and promote interoperability.

The vast majority of ACSC graduates will depart Maxwell AFB for high-visibility staff assignments or command. Those jobs will require you to consume large volumes of information, think critically and creatively, and communicate thoughts to your boss both verbally and in writing. To that end, ACSC academics are unapologetically demanding. You will engage with material covering the theory of war, airpower history and application, international security, leadership, and joint planning while linking these to the contemporary security environment. The coursework will challenge you and is intended to prepare you for what lies ahead. The wisdom you gain here at ACSC will be essential in your upcoming assignments.

My staff and faculty are dedicated to preparing you to thrive in a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environment. To find out more about the academics, student life, inbound info, and the local community, please visit our website and look for the Academic Year 2026 (AY26) information at

Benjamin B. Hatch, Colonel, USAF


Preparing for ACSC

Preparing For ACSC


Reading and writing at a professional collegiate level will be a change for some of you.  If this is the case, do not be alarmed, you are NOT alone!  There are plenty of resources available at Air University to assist you in your academic/professional development. 

Here’s some suggested reading for those who have not been in an academic setting in quite sometime. 

Visit the AU Teaching and Learning Center


Technology Requirements

US students attending ACSC must bring their own personal computing device. International Officers are not required to bring their own device, but they may bring a personal device if it meets the required criteria.  If necessary, international officers will be issued a US government computer for their use while a student at ACSC. Each user is responsible for the maintenance and repair of their own personal computing device. Government “loaner” laptops are available on a limited basis for temporary use if a student experiences a catastrophic computer failure. ACSC recommends against the use of Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) from any outside agency, as these devices may experience compatibility issues that cannot be resolved. Personal computing devices must meet the following standards:

HARDWARE (Do NOT bring a desktop style computer for use in the seminar rooms) 
• Laptop or notebook with a physical keyboard, due to extensive curriculum writing requirements.
• 802.11ac or 802.11n capable wireless card
• CAC reader
  • Students may bring Windows-based or Mac devices. All devices must be running a fully licensed and activated version of the operating system. Additionally, all operating systems must have the latest security patches applied. 
  • For Windows devices:  Windows 10 or higher
  • For Mac devices: OS X 10.13.3 (High Sierra) or higher
• Modern web browser with the ability to run web-based applications (e.g., current version of edge, firefox, chrome or safari).
• Adobe Acrobat Reader or other software capable of viewing PDF files
• Office suite capable of processing Microsoft Office file formats [Word, PowerPoint, Excel] 
• Up-to-date anti-virus protection
• An annual certificate of completion for the DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge that covers the entire academic year until graduation

ACSC BYOD IT Checklist:

Enabling your computer to authenticate to DoD websites

Visit Public key Infrastructure/Enabling (PKI/PKE) to configure systems to access PKI-protected content.

• Select Windows and execute steps 1, 2*, 3, 4 
NOTE: Windows 10 & 11 users DO NOT need to execute step 2

AF Webmail Access

Work Email: Required to check once weekly

Set up signature block in OWA 

  • Once signed into OWA click on the setting’s “gear” icon in the upper right corner 
  • Select Options from the drop-down menu 
  • On the left-hand side under Mail>Layout>Email signature you will find a location for entering a signature block
  • Check both boxes to include the signature on new and reply/forward messages
  • Use the template below with your name. Add any other (Flight/Division Academic/ Athletic/IT Rep, MDOS, Fellow, etc.) on the line below ACSC Student


Student, ACSC AY26

(Additional titles)

  • Finally click the “Save” icon and then click the “<-“ icon in the upper left to return to the main OWA screen. 

Obtaining a virtual NIPR terminal via Desktop Anywhere 

1. Desktop Anywhere is a service that allows users to access a virtual NIPR desktop from your personal computer. It works on both Mac and Windows computers. Desktop Anywhere provides access to the full suite of AFNet applications, allowing users to send and receive encrypted email, digitally sign documents, and access SharePoint and shared drive locations as if they were operating from a .mil computer. 
▪ On your personal computer, search for “Desktop Anywhere” on AF Portal (or go to the link below):

▪ Open and follow the instructions located in the “Attachments” column on the right side of the page for your system (Windows or Mac).




Uniform Requirements

1. U.S. Military Students: Bring all duty uniforms with you to ACSC

2. The primary duty uniform at Maxwell AFB is the OCP uniform (or equivalent) and/or flight suit. International Officers should bring a complete set of their country's equivalent of the camouflage fatigue/utility uniform (i.e. OCP), and a service dress uniform (coat, tie and hat)

3. Civilians are expected to comply with reasonable dress and grooming standards based on comfort, productivity, health, safety and type of position occupied. Jeans are not authorized.

Formal Mess Dress Mess Dress Army Mess Dress (Blue or White) Optional: Dress Blue or Dress White with Black Bow Tie Seasonal Dinner Dress Blue Dinner Dress White Evening Dress or Dress Blue and/or Blue/White "A" Tuxedo (Black Tie) / Ladies Formal
Semi-Formal Service Dress Service Dress Class A Army Green Service Uniform with Coat and Four-in-Hand Tie Seasonal Service Dress Blue Service Dress White Summer White Service "A" Business Suit Skirt / Blouse Cocktail Dress
Informal Short sleeve blue shirt, open collar Short Sleeve blue shirt, open collar Class B Army Green Service Uniform (w/o coat and tie) Service Khaki Alternate: Summer White Winter Blue Aviation Working Green Service "B" or "C" uniform Dress Shirt Dress Slacks
Duty Uniform OCP or Flight Suit OCP OCP or Flight Suit Camouflage Utility Uniform/Flight Suit Service Khaki Shipboard Overalls Utilities / Flight Suit Casual

Student InProcessing

ACSC In-Processing

Current as of: 7 February 2025

Disclaimer:  All information on this page is subject to change.  Please check back periodically for updates.


Reporting Date:   NET: 23 June 2025                           NLT: 08 July 2025

Class Dates:        Class Start Date: 17 July 2025        Class Graduation Date: 21 May 2026


Mandatory Sign-In Instructions: Inbound students will report to Student Squadron DOs in person (in uniform) to sign in, upon arrival in the local area, between the hours of 0900-1200 beginning Monday, 23 June 2025 through Tuesday, 8 July 2025 (Closed 4-7 July). Sign-in will be held in the Wood Auditorium Foyer of the ACSC Campus (Building 1402, Maxwell AFB).


An ACSC-AY26 Teams Channel will be created in early May with detailed reporting instructions, please review these documents in their entirety. 





Additional Instructions:

Congratulations on your selection for in-residence Air Command and Staff College! The ACSC Student Squadron staff will reach out to inbound students January - February 2025 via email to make initial contact and relay important school and local area information. Please review the following information and familiarize yourself with the appropriate inbound student checklist found at the bottom of this page. 

1. Uniforms: Be in uniform (business casual for civilian students) when signing-in and ensure all uniforms are readily available to wear as required. Those inbounds coming from OCONUS locations should not pack service dress or OCPs in their HHG or unaccompanied baggage as they will be required for the opening ceremony to start the academic year. Reference above "Uniforms" tab for further details.

2. Student Leadership Positions:  The role of the Initial Student Cadre (ISC) is to fill critical student leadership positions amongst the main body of students. Students who hold these peer leadership positions are vital in establishing the culture, morale, and developmental opportunities for the class throughout the year. A call for volunteers will be sent with initial messaging January - February 2025. If you are interested in a position (as found on the “Student Roles” page at top of this page), please send an email to

3. Concentrations/Specializations: Upon designation for ACSC, US civilian and military students are eligible to apply for participation in the Joint All-Domain Strategist program (JADS) or the Cyber-Focused Specialization in conjunction with traditional ACSC coursework. Application solicitation will be sent out via email February - April 2025. Students selected for JADS will require a TS/SCI clearance. 

4. Reporting Dates: Reporting prior to the Report No Earlier than Date (RNETD) or after the Report No Later than Date (RNLTD) is NOT authorized without prior coordination through ACSC and final approval from HQ AFPC/DP2LWD. Personnel that report early without prior authorization will be charged leave until the authorized reporting date and will not be reimbursed for excess lodging/per diem accrued due to early reporting. 

5. Early Reporting: Advance written permission must be obtained should early reporting be required (i.e. mandatory return from remote assignments).  Normal CONUS and OCONUS moves do not meet this intent.  Early reporting requests for personal convenience (apart from late-term pregnancy/delivery) will not be approved.  Please email STUS leadership at to request an early report date. If an early reporting request is approved, the following statement must be included on your orders: “Early reporting authorized. Written approval obtained from the Student Squadron Commander at Air Command and Staff College.”

6. Computer Requirements: Air University schools have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy and students will not be issued government laptops.  All students attending Air Command and Staff College are expected to bring their own personally-owned (not government-issued) device for access to course materials. 

7. Microsoft Teams: ACSC Students and Faculty will communicate via M365 Teams for the duration of the academic year. Students will have an M365 Teams account created for them NLT May. Once created, you will be receiving an email with your Teams account information as well as a temporary password. It is imperative that you access Teams and set up your account and unique password as soon as you receive this email to prevent subsequent re-requests for account activation from the AU/A6. If you are unable to login, please contact our org box.

8. Masters Degree: Students who graduate the ACSC in-residence Master's program will earn a Masters of Military Operational Art and Science. Students who previously graduated from the ACSC Online Master’s Program and have already been awarded a Masters of Operational Art and Science degree will not earn a second degree. If not previously obtained, the OLMP graduate will receive IDE in-residence and JPME I credit.

9. Leave: Inbound students should take sufficient leave prior to arrival at ACSC to avoid falling into a "use or lose" situation in the fall of the academic year. ACSC will NOT authorize ordinary leave to students on academic duty days; there will be scheduled break periods where leave can be used. The academic calendar will be communicated to inbound students as soon as it is available (usually May prior to the new class start). Do NOT use a previous year's academic calendar to plan trips and do NOT make any non-refundable monetary commitments (i.e. plane tickets/convention reservations/etc) until the AY26 academic calendar is published. 

*Please check the FAQs page and send any additional unanswered questions to the Student Squadron (STUS) team via email to the ACSC STUS Org Box E-Mail:


*Please select the appropriate dropdown below according to the category that most accurately describes you (i.e. Air Force vs. Sister Service vs. Fellow, etc.)*

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. Fitness Standards: USAF inbounds must have a current passing Air Force fitness assessment that will not expire prior to 1 October 2025. USSF Inbounds follow service specific fitness standards.

2. Narrative Only PRF: Have a Narrative-Only PRF completed and routed to AFPC by losing unit prior to departing base (student should retain a signed copy). This is a member and losing senior rater/MPF responsibility. ACSC does not receive or process PRFs. 

3. DEERS: All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

4. Security Clearance: A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

5. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Ancillary Training/MyLearning:  All inbound USAF students are expected to complete annual ancillary training requirements prior to arrival. DoD Cyber Awareness training must be completed prior to arrival at ACSC.

7. IMR Requirements: US Air Force students must maintain current IMR requirements throughout the academic year. Ensure PHA/PHAQs are completed prior to departing losing duty stations. 

8. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.  

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. AU Fellows Program: Inbounds designated as AU Fellows should expect to hear from the AU Fellows liaison, Lt Col Jonathan Vogel, NLT April 2025 for fellow-specific guidance and instructions. During orientation, fellows will attend an event with the AU Commander for initial expectations and additional information. In the spring, Fellows will have the opportunity to indicate preferences on their follow-on faculty year.

2. Fitness Standards: USAF inbounds must have a current passing Air Force fitness assessment that will not expire prior to 1 October 2025. USSF Inbounds follow service specific fitness standards.

3. Narrative Only PRF: Have a Narrative-Only PRF completed and routed to AFPC by losing unit prior to departing base (student should retain a signed copy). This is a member and losing senior rater/MPF responsibility. ACSC does not receive or process PRFs. 

4. DEERS: All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

5. Security Clearance: A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

7. Ancillary Training/MyLearning:  All inbound USAF students are expected to complete annual ancillary training requirements prior to arrival. DoD Cyber Awareness training must be completed prior to arrival at ACSC.

8. IMR Requirements: US Air Force students must maintain current IMR requirements throughout the academic year. Ensure PHA/PHAQs are completed prior to departing losing duty stations. 

9. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.  

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. Service Liaisons: Sister Service inbounds should expect to hear from their respective service liaison NLT April 2024 for service-specific guidance and instructions regarding reporting, fitness, medical readiness, access, etc. Upon arrival, sister service students will check in with their service liaison and then check in with the ACSC Student Squadron team per the published Reporting Instruction.

US Army

Lt Col Andrew Jasso ( & Ms. Alexiss Gibbons (

US Navy and Coast Guard

CDR Rosemary Henson (

US Marine Corps

Lt Col Barney Blaine (


Col Eltressa Spencer -USAFR ( & Lt Col Jeremy Harris - ANG (

2. DEERS: All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

3. Security Clearance:  A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

4. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

5. Transcripts: (Non-USAF Military and Civilian Personnel) All students must request their official undergraduate transcript be mailed or e-mailed to the Air University (AU) Registrar's Office NLT 1 June. AU Registrar contact information: Email:; mail: Air University ATTN: Admission, 60 W. Shumacher Avenue, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112. If you have questions, please contact the ACSC Registrar Office at Comm: 334-953-9820 (DSN: 493). Only one transcript is required from either the student’s bachelor’s or master’s degree, not both.

6. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. Civilian Student Liaison: Civilian inbounds should expect to hear from the cvilian liaison, Ms. Suzette Daniel (AFPC Comm: 210-565-58014), NLT April 2025 for guidance and instructions regarding reporting, medical readiness, access, etc. Upon arrival, civilian inbounds will check in with the ACSC Student Squadron team per the published Reporting Instruction.

2. Travel Orders: Civilian students typically attend ACSC in TDY status. Please ensure your orders reflect two fund cites: one for FY25 and one for FY26. Also, work with your home station Commercial Travel Office (CTO) and Orders Approving Authority (AO) to help you find lodging in accordance with local per diem rates. Later in the school year, you will need “dual lodging” authorized due to a concurrent TDY.

3. Pay and Leave Records: Because civilian students attend ACSC in a TDY status, their pay and leave records are maintained by their home station. Task sufficient leave prior to arrival at ACSC to avoid a “use or lose” situation during the academic year.

4. Security Clearance:  A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

5. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Transcripts: All students must request their official undergraduate transcript be mailed or e-mailed to the Air University (AU) Registrar's Office NLT 1 June. AU Registrar contact information: Email:; mail: Air University ATTN: Admission, 60 W. Shumacher Avenue, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112. If you have questions, please contact the ACSC Registrar Office at Comm: 334-953-9820 (DSN: 493). Only one transcript is required from either the student’s bachelor’s or master’s degree, not both.

7. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.

8. DEERS: All DoD civilians must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. Civilian Student Liaison: Civilian inbounds should expect to hear from the cvilian liaison, Ms. Suzette Daniel (AFPC Comm: 210-565-58014), NLT April 2025 for guidance and instructions regarding reporting, medical readiness, access, etc. Upon arrival, civilian inbounds will check in with the ACSC Student Squadron team per the published Reporting Instruction.

2. Travel Orders: Civilian students typically attend ACSC in TDY status. Please ensure your orders reflect two fund cites: one for FY25 and one for FY26. Also, work with your home station Commercial Travel Office (CTO) and Orders Approving Authority (AO) to help you find lodging in accordance with local per diem rates. Later in the school year, you will need “dual lodging” authorized due to a concurrent TDY.

3. Pay and Leave Records: Because civilian students attend ACSC in a TDY status, their pay and leave records are maintained by their home station. Task sufficient leave prior to arrival at ACSC to avoid a “use or lose” situation during the academic year.

4. Security Clearance:  A Top Secret/SSBI is preferred for all US attendees and required for LAF attendees.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

5. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Transcripts: All students must request their official undergraduate transcript be mailed or e-mailed to the Air University (AU) Registrar's Office NLT 1 June. AU Registrar contact information: Email:; mail: Air University ATTN: Admission, 60 W. Shumacher Avenue, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112. If you have questions, please contact the ACSC Registrar Office at Comm: 334-953-9820 (DSN: 493). Only one transcript is required from either the student’s bachelor’s or master’s degree, not both.

7. Base Access: All students must have base access. If you do not have a Common Access Card (CAC) you will need to work with your service/agency representative/advisor to sponsor you to obtain a base access pass for the duration of the academic year.

*NEW* Detailed Reporting Instructions will be posted to the "Inbound Student Info and In-Processing" tab of the ACSC-AY26 STUS Teams Channel (On/around May 2025). Please review this document in its entirety. 

1. ACSC Concentrations: Inbounds designated as PAS, SANDS, or JADS should expect to hear from their respective concentration faculty NLT April 2025 for concentration-specific guidance and instructions. During sign-in, concentration inbounds typically sign in with the Student Squadron Leadership and subsequently sign-in with their concentration faculty to collect their books and accomplish additional security requirements.  

2. Fitness Standards: USAF inbounds must have a current passing Air Force fitness assessment that will not expire prior to 1 October 2025. USSF Inbounds follow service specific fitness standards.

3. Narrative Only PRF: Have a Narrative-Only PRF completed and routed to AFPC by losing unit prior to departing base (student should retain a signed copy). This is a member and losing senior rater/MPF responsibility. ACSC does not receive or process PRFs. 

4. DEERS: All DoD students must update their information in DEERS by the first day of class. Each student can verify his/her information in DEERS by going to:

5. Security Clearance: PAS Clearance requirement is Top Secret/SSBI for SCI (LAF ONLY); Students selected for JADS will need a TS/SCI clearance; SANDS Clearance requirement is TS/SCI with RD/CNWDI.  If you are currently filling an SCI billet, ask your SSO for a Transfer-in-Status to the AU/SSO (DSN 953-6715/3606 or Comm 334-953-6715) at Maxwell AFB, Alabama.  If your current investigation is within 60 days of the 5-year expiration date, you must begin the update process immediately through your current security manager.  Please note – T5 (New TS) request advanced NAC; however, investigations CAN NOT be submitted after arrival at ACSC.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

6. Security Training and SSO Read In: To be read in to attend TS/SCI briefings offered at Air University, students possessing the appropriate clearance are required to complete Unauthorized Disclosure training, complete an SCI Pre-Screen Questionnaire, and attend a mass security read in appointment at the beginning of the academic year.  Please contact the ACSC security manager, Mr. Matthew Lillis, (DSN 493-2712/Comm 334-953-2712) with any security clearance questions.

7. Ancillary Training/MyLearning:  All inbound USAF students are expected to complete annual ancillary training requirements prior to arrival. DoD Cyber Awareness training must be completed prior to arrival at ACSC.

8. IMR Requirements: US Air Force students must maintain current IMR requirements throughout the academic year. Ensure PHA/PHAQs are completed prior to departing losing duty stations. 

9. Common Access Card (CAC): All inbound students must possess a valid DoD CAC prior to arrival at ACSC. If you do not have one, you must obtain one at the nearest RAPIDS Issuance Facility with two forms of identification.  


Information for Families

Student Life

Current as of: 6 Dec 2024

The ACSC Student Squadron staff will reach out to inbound students January - February via email to make initial contact and relay important school and local area information. Please review the information below as well as the FAQs page and feel free to send any unanswered questions to the Student Squadron (STUS) team via email to the ACSC STUS Org Box E-Mail:


ACSC is a rigorous academic program filled with personal and professional development opportunities. Students are expected to attend all activities on the ACSC academic schedule. Leave opportunities during the academic year are typically limited to scheduled holiday breaks and AETC family days. Students should not make plans involving irrevocable family or financial commitments during their time at ACSC. 

Topic 2: CHILDCARE, EDUCATION, Medical Care, EFMP and Housing

Visit the Maxwell AFB website for comprehensive information and links to resources for military-operated or military-approved child care programs, medical care, EFMP, and Housing.

Reference the School Liaison Program Manager website for comprehensive information and links to resources for public, private, and homeschool environments.