Welcome to the Department of the Air Force's China Aerospace Studies Institute   

CASI Banner

CJCS on China


PLA Aerospace Power


Your one-stop source for everything you need to know about China's aerospace power. 

"China Aerospace 101"

CASI PLA Fundamentals Course

Our CASI PLA Fundamentals course continues to be very popular. Click here for a sample schedule.
If you are interested in attending the next course at National Defense University, it will be:
Tues 27 Aug through Thurs 29 Aug 2024 (that Friday starts the Labor Day weekend, so we wanted to be sure to wrap up on Thursday). 
Please use this link to register for the class:
If you can't make that one, but want to be on the list for future courses, please use this form:
And if you are interested in hosting a Mobile Training Team, please let us know at:

In Their Own Words is our collection of Chinese publications translated into English

The External Resources tab has links to Think Tanks, other websites, additional information, and recommendations

Briefs, Background, and Research


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Competition with China

CASI Webinars on China

Official U.S. Documents

Above links are to external U.S. government sites

Introduction to CASI

Questions, Thoughts, or Comments for CASI?

We are here to help people understand China as a strategic competitor.  Please let us know if you have any questions or ideas on how we can help.

As always, please Contact Us if you have suggestions, additions, or comments to this, or any of our work,